luns, 28 de setembro de 2020

As Plataformas REDE e Vellez digna renden tributo aos falecidos en residencias e xustiza #DomusVi #FundaciónSanRosendo #VellezDigna

Compartimos con vós imaxes e entrevistas realizadas durante a concentración convocada por REDE para rendir tributo aos falecidos nas residencias de maiores, e para pedir xustiza e unha Lei de Residencias en condicións. Os maiores non son mercadorías.

domingo, 27 de setembro de 2020

What is happening in Scotland - Interview with Chris McEleny about a Plan B for Independence #Indyref2 #Scotland #SelfDetermination

Scotland is facing right now several challenges:

The covid crisis, Brexit and an internal debate about the best way of achieving Independence.
I spoke to Christopher McEleny about the famous Plan B for Scotland. Hope you like it

domingo, 20 de setembro de 2020

Karl Claridge and Ever Uan Beag - The long way to freedom (North) #Scotland #Independence #SigntheConvenant #Thelongwaytofreedom

They are K
arl J. Claridge and Ever Uan Beg and they are doing the way of the North in #TheLongWalkToFreedom
I had the pleasure of speaking to them tonight. Best of luck, friends! :)