xoves, 28 de xuño de 2018

The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 33 - Welcome to the Rock #Brexit #Gibraltar

This week’s Alex Salmond Show kicks off a three part series on Gibraltar, as the territory comes to terms with Brexit. Gibraltar voted 96 per cent to remain in the European Union but Alex found Gibraltarians surprisingly optimistic about the economic prospects for The Rock. He interviews key commentators including former Trade and Industry Minister Peter Montegriffo QC, leader of the Gibraltar Remain campaign Gemma Vasquez and Mike Nicholls, head of the largest property company in the territory.
The Alex Salmond Show broadcasts every Thursday on RT International at 07:30, 18:30 and 23:30(GMT) on SKY 511 and FREEVIEW 113.  

mércores, 27 de xuño de 2018

#MinaTouroOPinoNON Unha intensa xornada de loita (Una intensa jornada de lucha) #OPino #Londres #Compostela #Ribeira

"I Would Walk 500 Miles" - Interview with Dave Lewellyn, organiser #Scotland #March #Indyref2

I interviewed Dave Lewellyn, organiser of the "I Would Walk 500 miles" march. I find this iniciative very interesting and I can confirm that I'll be participating in (a wee leg of the way  ) and reporting on this event and the #AUOB event in Edinburgh on the 6th of October

martes, 26 de xuño de 2018

AUOB Bannockburn June 2018 - Bob Glen's photo/video mix #AUOB via @moridura

MINA TOURO-O PINO : Joint press release - Comunicado de Prensa conxunto - Comunicado de prensa conjunto #Mining #Touro #OPino #Galicia #AtalayaMining #Santander #Andalucia

Spanish campaigners to attend Atalaya Mining’s AGM on 27 June for first time London-listed mining company prepares to open old mines in Galicia and Santander and fails to act on imminent dam failure in Andalucía. 

Membros de organizacións contrarias ás minas de Atalaya Mining en España participan o 27 de xuño por primeira vez na súa Xunta de Accionistas. A empresa listada na bolsa de Londres planifica a reapertura de antigas minas en Galicia e Santander e omite actuación en rotura inminente de presa en Andalucía. 

Miembros de organizaciones contrarias a las minas de Atalaya Mining en España participan el 27 Junio por primera vez en su Junta de Accionistas. La empresa listada en la bolsa de Londres planifica reapertura de antiguas minas en Galicia y Santander y omite actuación en rotura inminente de presa en Andalucía.

venres, 22 de xuño de 2018

xoves, 21 de xuño de 2018

The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 32 - Brexit special #BrexitShambles #SNPWalkout #EUWithdrawalBill #UK #TheresaMay

This week’s Alex Salmond Show examines the state of Brexit against the backdrop of high political drama at Westminster. Alex interviews former Downing Street spin doctor Alastair Campbell, MPs Tommy Sheppard, Hywel Williams and Sammy Wilson, as well as pro-Brexit commentator Peter Oborne to find out whether the Brexit bus is still on the road.
The Alex Salmond Show broadcasts every Thursday on RT International at 07:30, 18:30 and 23:30(GMT) on SKY 511 and FREEVIEW 113.  

martes, 19 de xuño de 2018

Un novo logo para este blog // A new logo for this blog -- #APonte #Thebridge #Brother&Sisterhood #Scotland #Galiza

Moitísimas grazas a Brave -DefiAye - Twitter @defiaye por este fantástico logo. Estou tan contenta! E hai máis sorpresas de camiño! 

Thank you so much to Brave - DefiAye - Twitter @defiaye for this fantastic logo. I'm so happy! And there are more surprises on the way... stay tuned!

xoves, 14 de xuño de 2018

The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 31 - #Ramadan & the festival of #Eid

A special feature on Ramadan⁠ and the Festival of Eid, including a discussion on Islamophobia with Lord Sheikh, and interviews with Lord Nazir Ahmed, Baroness Uddin, and Islamic Relief.
The Alex Salmond Show broadcasts every Thursday on RT International at 07:30, 18:30 and 23:30(GMT) on SKY 511 and FREEVIEW 113.

mércores, 13 de xuño de 2018

Ata aquí chegamos // Enough is enough #Scoltand #Brexit #EUWithdrawalBill #Devolution

Canto antes o digo, antes acontece. Os deputados do SNP acaban de abandoar a Cámara dos Comúns durante as preguntas á Primeira Ministra tras unha penalización inxusta (e irregular) do Speaker contra o seu voceiro, Ian Blackfords. Agora haberá que ver si voltan á Cámara e en que condicións... 

Quen defende a Escocia? (E a Gales? E a Irlanda do Norte?) // Who is standing up for Scotland? (and for Wales? and for N. Ireland?) #Brexitshambles #Scotland #Devolution #EUWithdrawalBill #Brexit

Onte tivo lugar o debate das emendas presentadas pola Cámara dos Lores ao proxecto de lei de desconexión do Brexit.

Nel tiñan que ser debatidas as emendas correspondentes ás que afectan a soberanía e as competencias que legalmente teñen os Parlamentos de Escocia, Gales e a Asamblea de Irlanda do Norte. 

Polo tipo de procedemento arcaico que segue a Cámara dos Comúns, tan só quedaron 15 minutos para tratar un tema tan transcendental e tan só o Ministro para Brexit tivo a palabra, provocando unha imaxe surreal de case 70 minutos de puntos de orde por parte dos deputados do SNP, visible e comprensiblemente enfadados. O Speaker entendendo o enfado suxería que o Goberno debería prestar atención de abrir un novo prazo para un debate adecuado. Poucos cren que isto sexa posible e a fenda creada entre os Goberno de Theresa May e o Parlamento de Holyrood en Escocia cada día medra máis. A grande maioría agardan con ansiedade que os seus deputados marchen de Westminster e se poña en marcha un referendo de independencia coma única solución a salvar a Escocia da queima do caótico e destrutivo Brexit. 

domingo, 10 de xuño de 2018

NON Á MINA - NO TO THE MINE #MinaTouroOPinoNON #Galicia #Environment #Sea #Agriculture #CaminodeSantiago

O 10 de xuño celebrouse en Compostela unha manifestación na que mar e terra uniron as súas voces para berrar alto e claro NON Á MINA. Agora o Goberno galego debe escoitar e parar un macro proxecto que se sabe devastador non só para a zona senón para toda Galicia. 

On the 10th of June a demonstration took place in Compostela. People from the land and the sea joined their voices to say loud and clear NO TO THE MINE. Now the Galician Government must listen to and stop this macro project that is going to be devastating no just for the area but for the whole of Galicia. 



Todos os meus chíos // All my tweets 

Parabéns a tod@s!

Congratulations everyone! 

venres, 8 de xuño de 2018

Entrevista con Jesús Domínguez - Plataforma de Víctimas del #Alvia #Angrois - Comisón de Investigación

Entrevista con Jesús Domínguez de la Plataforma de Víctimas del Alvia, realizada el 8 de junio de 2018 tras conocerse que el Partido Popular y el PSOE impusieron el orden de comparecencia en la Comisión de Investigación del Accidente del Alvia.

xoves, 7 de xuño de 2018

The Alex Salmond - Episode 30 - Shipbuilding: A phoenix from the ashes #shipyard #Clyde #Scotland #brexit

In this, the last of our three-part series on shipbuilding, The Alex Salmond Show visits Ferguson Marine on the Lower Clyde - a shipyard set for closure only four years ago, which is now rising like a phoenix from the ashes.
The Alex Salmond Show broadcasts every Thursday on RT International at 07:30, 18:30 and 23:30(GMT) on SKY 511 and FREEVIEW 113.  

martes, 5 de xuño de 2018

All Under One Banner - Interview with Gary J. Kelly about the next rallies #Scotland #Indyref2 #AUOB

All Under One Banner celebrated another successful event in Dumfries. More than 10.000 people attended this event.
I spoke with one of the organizers: Gary J. Kelly
Now they are organizing more rallies across Scotland: Bannockburn will be next followed by Inverness, Dundee and Edinburgh... Are you going to take part?

luns, 4 de xuño de 2018

Operación Ciudadanos : Qué hay detrás? #EITB #Reportaxes #Política

Full Scottish - 03/06/2018 #AUOBDumfries #Indyref2 #GrowthCommission #Scotland #Debate #ArleneFoster

This week, The Full Scottish is on the road again, to bring coverage of the All Under One Banner march in Dumfries and the usual top quality in depth discussion, from Maggie Gordon's Barfil farm in Crocketford in the heart of Dumfries and Galloway. Our guests on the programme are Amanda Burgauer, Chair of Scottish Rural Action, Calum Kerr, Former SNP MP, Richard Arkless, lawyer and former SNP MP and Maggie Gordon.

Please consider suscribing / donating, thank you 

domingo, 3 de xuño de 2018

Scottish Independence Podcast 166 - Pensioners for Indy and more by @mgreenwell #Scotland #Pensions

Welcome to the excellent audios by Michael Greenwell - Enjoy and please, consider donating to his platform 

The 166th episode of The Scottish Independence Podcast features, amongst other things, an interview with Peter Swain of Pensioners for Independence (courtesy of Independence Live).

You'll also find out why I was very tempted to call the episode "Archie, Archie, What's the Score?", even if part of that joke will only make sense if you were born before 1985.

I also had to include Boris Johnson, or as he is known in Scotland, Bawjawz, trying to justify some of the worst Tory behaviour. As he does so, he is kind enough to show just how far removed from you and the rest of reality in the process.

Finally, there's a semi-unrelated part relating to how the BBC will shut down certain discussions if you go off script.

Hope you enjoy.


venres, 1 de xuño de 2018

Pedro Sánchez new President of Spain // Pedro Sánchez é o novo Presidente español #MociondeCensura #NoConfidenceVote #Spain

Aprobada a moción de censura con 180 votos. Pedro Sánchez é o novo Presidente do Goberno 
Hoxe gañou a democracia e perdeu a corrupción 
Parabéns a tod@s! 

The no-confidence motion has been approved by 180 votes, absolute majority. 
Rajoy‘s resignation has immediate effect and Pedro Sánchez is from now on the President of the Spanish Government
Today democracy wins and the corruption loses. Congratulations all