mércores, 31 de decembro de 2014
Feliz Aninovo // Happy New Year #2015
We wish you all the best of health, the best of luck, the best of motivation and the best of results... and remember... we can get anything we want, we only have to believe in ourselves and go for it!
Desexávmosvos o mellor na saúde, a mellor das sortes, a mellor motivación e os mellores resultados... e lembrade.. somos capaces de lograr o que queiramos, só temos que crer en nós mesmos e ir a por iso!
Os deseamos lo mejor en salud, la mejor de las suertes, la mejor motivación y los mejores resultados, y recordad... somos capaces de lograr lo que queramos, sólo tenemos que creer en nosotros mismos e ir a por ello!
martes, 30 de decembro de 2014
Ebola en Escocia: de cómo facer as cousas con responsabilidade
No dia de onte saltou a noticia, unha enfermeira escocesa recén chegada de Sierra Leona acudía a Centro Hospitalario con fiebre e inmediatamente se puxo en marcha o protocolo de actuación do ébola, que xa tiñan preparado dende o pasado mes de outubro.
Inmediatamente a First Minister Nicola Sturgeon asumiu o mando da situación e convocou unha rolda de prensa cos responsables sanitarios, dando todos os datos e chamando a calma; "estamos preparados para esto", engadindo: "os nosos pensamentos e apoio á doente a á súa familia".
Tamén na súa conta de twitter Nicola Sturgeon tivo palabras de recoñecemento para todos os traballadores públicos da sanidade e coidadores que poñen a súa vida en risco para salvar a dos demais:
A reminder tonight of how often & how selflessly healthcare workers put themselves at risk to help others. http://t.co/ATabRSG8cL
— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) diciembre 29, 2014
Ver cómo o Goberno escocés da resposta a un caso como este, lévame, inevitablemente, a facer comparacións có xeito que o fixo o goberno español... xa que cando se fala de asumir responsabilidades e de actuar con sensibilidade, hai diferencias e ben grandes.
A confirmed case of Ebola has been diagnosed in Glasgow. https://t.co/CtAHSWx8k4 via @audioBoom
— Scottish Government (@scotgov) diciembre 29, 2014
Ebola case. Public health experts have emphasised risks are negligible. Helpline for anyone on the Heathrow to Glasgow flight: 08000 858 531
— Scottish Government (@scotgov) diciembre 29, 2014
Ebola case confirmed in Glasgow http://t.co/u1vUjt4trS
We've trained and planned for this. Please read. No Dramas.
— David Hamilton (@SPFChairN) diciembre 29, 2014
For Ebola to be transmitted from person to person, contact with blood or other body fluids is needed.VERY LOW risk to general population
— David Hamilton (@SPFChairN) diciembre 29, 2014
First case of #ebola in Scotland: the First Minister says "1. Feelings are with the pacient & family. 2. Relax, we are prepared for this".
— Xabier Cid (@xabitubbi) diciembre 29, 2014
luns, 29 de decembro de 2014
Newsnet Scotland #news #media #Scotland #Escocia #prensa

Os obxectivos mais inmediatos serán a cobertura das eleccións xerais do Reino Unido no mes de maio e as eleccións ao Parlamento escocés en 2016.
Na súa nova andaina continuarán a integración do chamado xornalismo cidadán, haberá lugar para comentarios e recomendacións do público e terán como co-editor ao xornalista Derek Bateman.
Todos estes plans levan tempo e cartos, por iso iniciarán unha campaña de suscripcións e financiación para que o novo sitio www.newsnet.scot poda continuar funcionando diariamente.
Moitas mais novas están por vir, polo que estaremos atent@s.
Desexámoslles moita sorte a este fantástico equipo! Good luck, friends!
By the Editors
Newsnet Scotland is to be re-launched on a new web platform within the next 24 hours.
One of Scotland's foremost
alternative news sites, Newsnet Scotland repeatedly broke new and vital
stories during the independence referendum campaign.
Now the site is merging with the
current affairs' podcast site Batemanbroadcasting.com to create a new
home for new journalism in Scotland.
We intend to broaden Newsnet to cover Scottish news and current affairs, as well as Scottish politics.
We believe our readers and listeners want to access independent, high quality journalism and comment.
Newsnet will continue to lead on
Scottish politics - especially with the UK general election next May and
the Scottish Parliamentary election in 2016 looming.
But we shall also reflect on issues
that matter in Scotland. We plan to include "Citizen" journalism,
features and other elements which will be rolled out as quickly as
We shall also provide space for readers to post comments and exchange views.
All of this takes time, and money. We
shall be seeking subscriptions as well as other financial support in
order to maintain the site and to pay for the everyday running costs of
Newsnet Scotland.
Much more will be announced during the weeks ahead. Earlier today, co-editor Derek Bateman explained a little more here.
Meanwhile please take some practical steps to ensure you continue to enjoy Newsnet Scotland:
Regular visitors should set their browsers to the Web address www.newsnet.scot in order to access the new site directly.
Other addresses such as
newsnetscotland.scot and newsnetscotland.com will re-direct to the new
"umbrella address". All changes will take place during Monday, December
Shocking. @NewsnetScotland say they are "changing". Is this approved in the Smith commission vow recommendation.? No. pic.twitter.com/x45qlliaDz
— A_DarlingMP (@A_DarlingMP) diciembre 28, 2014
xoves, 25 de decembro de 2014
Bella's Indyref Awards 2014 #Indyrefawards Time to vote // A votar!
Thank you so much for the nomination "Best International Act of Solidarity", I feel very honoured:
Moitísimas grazas pola nominación ao "Mellor xesto internacional de solidariedade", síntome moi honrada:
Best International Act of Solidarity:
Nominations: Pilar Fernandez, Artur Mas, Billy Bragg
Vote now! A votar!
Bella’s Indyref Awards 2014 http://t.co/zGwQu57HNs
— Bella Caledonia (@bellacaledonia) diciembre 23, 2014
@bellacaledonia taking nominations for #indyrefawards. Let's recognise those who ought to be recognised http://t.co/tMg9hrZsua
— Alan Bissett (@alanbissett) diciembre 23, 2014
#indyrefawards will be at @YesBarGlasgow in January. Nominations are open all this week http://t.co/ajIRZ3PMCH #snp #yesalliance #snp
— Bella Caledonia (@bellacaledonia) diciembre 24, 2014
New categories added to Indyrefawards: Song of the Campaign (nomination = @StanleyOdd ) & Best Int Solidarity (nomination = @pilaraymara )
— Bella Caledonia (@bellacaledonia) diciembre 24, 2014
mércores, 24 de decembro de 2014
martes, 23 de decembro de 2014
luns, 22 de decembro de 2014
2015: un ano prometedor para o SNP #GE2015 #SNP #NicolaSturgeon
Chegará 2015 coa realización das Eleccións Xerais en Reino Unido, que terán lugar o 7 de maio; e no horizonte vaticínanse moi bos tempos para o SNP (Scottish National Party).
A intención de voto sube de novo na última enquisa oficial publicada segundo a cual un 48% dos votos en Escocia irían para o SNP e un 24% para Partido Laborista escocés, que continua en caida libre despois da recente elección de novo lider.
Tamén para as vindeiras eleccións ao Parlamento Escocés e segundo esta mesma enquisa, o SNP acadaría o 51% dos votos e os laboristas o 25%.
A First Minister de Escocia e lider do SNP, Nicola Sturgeon calificou estes datos coma "regalo de Nadal para o SNP" mais rexeitou dar a batalla por gañada:
"Recibo con grande satisfacción esta enquisa, pero non dou absolutamente nada por sentado, e o traballo duro comeza no aninovo para asegurar que logremos un forte grupo de parlamentearios do SNP para que Escocia teña unha voz mais forte en Westminster"
"Deste xeito, poderíamos usar a nosa influencia para pór fin á economía de austeridade, facer de Escocia unha terra libre de submarinos nucleares (Trident) e obter os poderes que Escocia precisa para construir unha sociedade mais xusta e unha economía mais próspera"
Noticia publicada no Herald Scotland:
Vikings in Galiza // Viquingos en Galiza #Galiza #Scotland #AberdeenUniversity #OVicedo #OsMoutillós
Vikings in Galicia. Scottish archaeologists and specialists from the University of Aberdeen (Jan-Henrik Fallgren, Yiva Backstrom and Kenneth Oakes ) will visit Galicia for excavations in the area of Os Moutillós
published in Galicia Confidencial:
domingo, 21 de decembro de 2014
mércores, 17 de decembro de 2014
Escocia contra o abuso infantil e a pedofilia #abuse #childs #inquiry
Escocia lanza investigación pública estatutaria sobre abuso infantil histórico en orfanatos e centros de acollida. A clara intención é coñecer toda a verdade, por moi dura que resulte para enfrentalo e poñer solución definitiva a esta horrible lacra.
Hai uns días a portada do The National revelaba abusos a nen@s escoceses en campamentos dos Scouts.

Estamentos e institucións oficiais, membros da BBC (algúns dos seus locais foron usados como lugar para as "festas" privadas de Savile) e todos os Prime Minister (Thacher, Major, Blair, Gordon Brown e agora Cameron) de Reino Unido coñeceron e ocultaron os casos e a moitos dos implicados, moitos deles en postos privilexiados, converténdose en cómplices desta depravación.
martes, 16 de decembro de 2014
domingo, 14 de decembro de 2014
xoves, 11 de decembro de 2014
Que viva España... really? (part 2) #humanrights #civilright #GagLaw
The Spanish Government (far right wing- PP) has passed the polemic Citizen Security Law, called Gag Law with just the conservatives votes. We can now say that we are living officially in a dictatorship.
O Goberno español de extrema dereita ven de aprobar a polémica Lei de Seguridade Cidadá, a chamada Lei Mordaza, só cos votos conservadores. Podemos xa dicir que oficialmente vivimos nunha ditadura.
From files: http://stream.aljazeera.com/story/201410312111-0024311
From files: http://elpais.com/elpais/2014/10/22/inenglish/1413983861_652200.html

Durante o debate, o Ministro de Interior, un ben coñecido fanático relixioso, tivo a idea de insultar a nosa intelixencia coa sua solución para o problema da inmigración ilegal:
Si nos dan la dirección les enviamos al ministro Fernández Díaz, el bozal va de regalo.
— Antón Losada (@antonlosada) diciembre 11, 2014
Spain approves law to expel north African migrants and fine protesters
Spain approves law to expel north African migrants and fine protesters
Once again #Spain's right-wing #PP shows its true colours: it alone voted for the #GagLaw which has just been passed by absolute majority.
— Hélène Michou (@Lost_inAnalysis) diciembre 11, 2014
#HumanRightsDay: many people in #Spain tweet using #SOSHumanRights to report human right violations by government #NoALeyMordaza #GagLaw
— bengie (@bengie_d) diciembre 10, 2014
Not a Party by Christopher Carnie #Scotland #Catalonia

In Scotland, according to the Herald, the SNP is moving away from suggestions of a Yes Alliance of the pro-independence parties. The two smaller parties - Scottish Socialist Party and the Greens - are reported as saying that "the SNP have decided they are not open to that kind of arrangement."
In Catalonia Artur Mas the President of the Generalitat, and of Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya announced his "route plan to independence" with the idea of presenting a joint list at decisive In-Out elections. He proposed that the party list (here, we vote for a list of candidates from a specific party, with proportions of that list actually getting seats depending on the votes cast) should be made up not of politicians but of noteworthy people.
Sr. Mas' idea has been rejected by the second largest party here, ERC, led by Oriol Junqueras. The two are talking, but there is little chance that ERC will agree to Mas' proposal.
What's going on? Why can't these politicians agree on this one apparently straightforward topic; independence, or not?
In a healthy democracy (yes, I know that democracy is just the least worst system for running a country) political parties are about power and vision. The collective of members and supporters has a vision. In order to get the power to make that vision they form a party, and get themselves elected. We've had that here with the creation of Podem, a fast-growing new party that grew from the civil protest movement here.
At the centre of the vision it's all very clear. SNP, Greens, SSP, Convergència and ERC all want independence for their two countries.
But it's tunnel vision: at the edges it's all blurry.
Do you want independence with a side order of dismantling capitalism? Then vote for the SSP. Do you want independence in a moderate, mildly conservative state? Then vote for Convergència.
If the vision meets at the edges then parties merge. This has happened when Tory defectors have a vision shared with UKIP. In their case a vision through the bottom of an empty beer glass.
Why can't the nationalist parties agree? Because their vision does not meet at the edges. And, yes, because of personal agendas, personal egos and lust for power, all aspects of the soft underbelly of democracy and all necessary aspects of why it's an imperfect system.
And for us, the voters? We need to see the vision of our politicians - the stuff in the centre of the tunnel and all the blurry edges. This was why Scotland's white paper on independence was so important. It was the whole vision of a political group - including the detail at the edges. Now there are differences. The SNP, Greens and SSP share the same central vision - independence - but have different edges.
I want to vote for an entire vision - edges and all - and that means a party. Repeat after me: "democracy is the least worst system of government..."
mércores, 10 de decembro de 2014
Barco pesqueiro en apuros nas costas de Orkney #Galiza #Pesca #Mar #Scotland
Barco pesqueiro con 16 tripulantes ven de ser rescatado en costas de Orkney. O barco, con base en Porto de Vigo, lanzou un mayday ao ser alcanzado por unha onda de mais de 6 metros que lle destrozou o timón.
Informa a STV: http://news.stv.tv/north/302945-rescue-for-o-genita-off-north-coast-of-orkney-near-island-of-westray/
Update: Coastguard on scene as Spanish fishing vessel O Genita radioes mayday west of Orkney. http://t.co/0prNxlu1QV pic.twitter.com/Kg3cEKTsF5
— STV News (@STVNews) diciembre 10, 2014
Update: Spanish fishing trawler rescued near Orkney after wave smashed wheelhouse http://t.co/rAl9prcU4p
— STV News (@STVNews) diciembre 10, 2014
@pilaraymara en vista de la previsión hemos de preguntarnos ¿que c--o hacían en altamar? pic.twitter.com/UmrRg2Gbxg
— Peter Brown (@peterbrownbarra) diciembre 10, 2014
52ft wave recorded off the Western Isles. Ooft!! pic.twitter.com/2ezdZmAkOr
— Tom (@Tom_Celt) diciembre 10, 2014
“@BBCScotlandNews: Here's the UK's winter #weatherbomb in maps http://t.co/bEvJO3yYdG pic.twitter.com/IkHZqV9cxO”@pilaraymara
— Peter Brown (@peterbrownbarra) diciembre 10, 2014
“@metoffice: satellite animation showing area of low pressure bringing severe gales http://t.co/fg1YLMI2In #weatheraware”@pilaraymara
— Peter Brown (@peterbrownbarra) diciembre 10, 2014
Haberá qué saber qué facía este barco nesta zona coa previsión que había dende hai ao menos unha semana... afortunadamente están todos ben.
UPDATE / PICTURE: Another @RNLI #Stromness images of fishing boat 'O Genita' reaching safety #scotstorm pic.twitter.com/K55xfYSCWh
— BBC North East Scot (@BBCNorthEast) diciembre 10, 2014
The "O Genita" (left) arriving back in port in Orkney after a Mayday call this morning: #scotstorm pic.twitter.com/WFiksvL8En
— James Cook (@BBCJamesCook) diciembre 10, 2014
Noticias / News:
Dia Mundial dos Dereitos Humanos // World Human Rights Day

The only countries in Europe which DIDN'T help the US torture folk are France, Hungary, Norway, Romania & Switzerland http://t.co/ZiUZ3BIFDM
— Simon Brooke (@simon_brooke) diciembre 10, 2014
Hoxe é o Día Internacional dos Dereitos Humáns. Convén ler de novo esa Declaración de 1948 para refrescar a memoria. Moitas das leis que se aplican no mundo violan sistemáticamente esta declaración que todos os países que pertencen a ONU asumen como propia e din respectar.
Declaración Universal dos Direitos Humanos- 1948
Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos - 1948
Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 1948
Noticias / News:
Senate accuses CIA of torturing prisoners, overstepping legal boundaries
El informe sobre las torturas de la CIA revela un catálogo de horrores
CIA report: 'Torture is a crime and those responsible must be brought to justice'
CIA paid psychologists $80m to devise and use torture techniques
La CIA pagó 80 millones a psicólogos privados para que torturaran a sus prisioneros
"To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity" #NelsonMandela #HumanRightsDay pic.twitter.com/V3WjjWPVwZ
— NelsonMandela (@NelsonMandela) diciembre 10, 2014
martes, 9 de decembro de 2014
luns, 8 de decembro de 2014
Os nosos medios de comunicación, a nosa responsabilidade #HerdoNovo
Experiencias coma a de Escocia deixaron claro o papel q xogan os medios
tradicionais na difusion de propaganda e na manipulacion de noticias.
E preciso dar apoio a novos medios que axuden a transmitir a mensaxe das 'outras voces'.
E preciso dar estimular e dar apoio a medios de comunicacion que falen abertamente dos problemas reais de Galiza.
E preciso estimular e apoiar aos medios de comunicacion que falan na nosa lingua, que defendan a nosa cultura e realidade.
Para min foi un orgullo colaborar con Sermos Galiza de igual xeito que será un honor colaborar co proxecto de #HerdoNovo
Anímovos a colaborar tamen con Irmandade TV e con @RadiofusionGa e a ser parte deste necesario proxecto informativo que é #HerdoNovo
Tod@s nós precisámolo coma cidadáns, tod@s nós precisámolo coma Nación. Por unha prensa digna, etica, galega e de calidade, velai vai o meu apoio público.
domingo, 7 de decembro de 2014
Alex Salmond marches towards the sound of gunfire / Alex Salmond marcha cara a batalla #GE2015 #Scotland
Alex Salmond ven de anunciar que se presentará como candidato a un escaño en Westminster para as seguintes Eleccións Xerais que terán lugar o 7 de Maio de 2015. Esta noticia, intuida e esperada xa por moit@s, ven sendo recollida por todos os medios escoceses dende últimas horas da tarde de onte e confirmada hoxe polo mesmo Alex Salmond.
O SNP que sobrepasou a barreira dos 100.000 membros nestes días (mais de 70.000 novos membros dende o referendo), ten marcado o seu claro obxectivo nestas eleccións como paso en firme para facer cumprir as promesas da Smith Commission e asegurar que Escocia pode falar con voz propia na Cámara dos Comúns en Londres.
Salmond, que non renuncia á independencia de Escocia, continuará sendo un peso pesado na política británica, e sen dúbida un apoio imprescindible para a actual First Minister de Escocia, Nicola Sturgeon.
El Mundo
El Diario
The Guardian
Herald Scotland
The Scotsman
Videos via #PeterCurran @moridura (thank you so much, as usual)
venres, 5 de decembro de 2014
Open letter to The National // Carta aberta ao The National
First of all, congratulations on your
newspaper, that I’m sure is going to be a fantastic platform for information.
Today it’s very difficult to hold a different view in the media anywhere,
especially as most of newspapers and broadcasting are in the hands of a few powerful
and very rich people, so, they won´t throw any stones against their own roof. The
Establishment works pretty well for them. Therefore, any money spent on new
media is a great inversion.
Primeiramente, parabéns polo voso xornal, que estou segura será unha fantástica plataforma informativa. A dia de hoxe é moi difícil atopar visións distintas nos medios de comunicación de calqueira lugar, especialmente cando a maior parte dos xornais e canáis de televisión están nas mans dun puñado de poderosos e ricachóns, que non van tirar pedras contra o seu tellado. O sistema funciona moi ben para eles. Polo tanto, calquera diñeiro gastado en novos medios de comunicación é unha grande inversión.
I’m especially enjoying the articles of opinion
by Carolyn Leckie and the “The view from” with all the reports of Scots abroad
because the diaspora is my soft spot.
Estou disfrutando especialmente os artigos de opinión de Carolyn Leckie e o apartado "A visión dende" con comentarios de escoceses no exterior porque a diáspora é a miña debilidade.
Secondly, with your kind permission, I would
like to give my opinion from here, so far from Scotland. I have seen some news
about the burning of the Smith Commission’s pamphlets, about how many times
civil servants used internet and hit the WoS site, or who is the responsible for
the sometimes rude behaviour of Rev. Stuart. Although in terms of
information Wings over Scotland is one of the best websites without any doubt,
and maybe that is the real problem that causes so much obsession with him.
Segundo, co voso amable permiso, gostaríame dar a miña opinión dende aqui, tan lonxe de Escocia. Estou vendo algunhas noticias sobre a queima de panfletos da Comisión Smith, sobre cantas veces os funcinarios públicos usaron internet para entrar na web de Wings over Scotland, ou sobre quen é o responsable do ás veces moi maleducado comportamento do Reverendo Stuart. Ainda que en términos de información, Wings over Scotland é unha das mellores páxinas web sen dúbida, e quizáis ese sexa o problema real que ocasiona tanta obsesión con el.
Perhaps if the Scottish media and the BBC had done
their job professionally, by being truly balanced and not biased and giving just
one opinion, none of us would have touched the internet looking for another source
of information. But that didn’t happen and fortunately alternative websites
were created.
Quizáis se a prensa escocesa e a BBC tiveran feito de xeito profesional o seu traballo, sendo verdadeiramente imparciais e non sesgados nen dando tan só unha opinión, ningún de nos teríamos tocado internet buscando algunha outra fonte de información. Pero iso non aconteceu, e afortunadamente crearonse páxinas alternativas.
I’m not
sure when Willie Rennie asked how many times civil servants had checked the WoS
website if he was aware that civil servants are citizens with rights and
obligations. To be fair and because it is good to have all the details, I cannot
see on the news how many No websites were checked from Holyrood, but I’m sure that
the Scottish civil servants would be more balanced that the British ones. It is
also possible that quality No websites just don’t exist as that role is already
played by the MSM.

Non estou segura de que cando Willie Rennie (Lib Dem) preguntou polas veces que os funcionarios públicos entraron na páxina de Wings over Scotland era consciente de que os funcionarios son tamén cidadáns con dereitos e obrigas. E para ser xusto e porque sempre é bo ter todos os detalles, non vexo na prensa reflexado cantas veces se consultaron paxinas unionistas dende Holyrood, pero estou segura de que os funcionarios públicos escoceses teñen sido mais imparciais que os británicos. E tamén posible que a calidade das páxinas unionistas simplemente non existise xa que esa función xa a fixo a prensa en xeral
I don’t remember either any unionist Party showing
concern about the thousands of civil servants that were used to promote only the
publicity of UK-Together all over the World.
Non lembro tampouco ningún partido unionista amosando preocupación sobre os miles de funcionarios que foron usados para promover só publicidade de UK-Together ao redor do mundo.

E para rematar, unha última cousa sobre a queima dos panfletos da Smith Commission, parece mais producto da frustración (pregúntome porque...) En todo caso, a miña opinión é que os membros do SNP deberían ser mais coidadosos con estas accións porque a campaña polas Eleccións Xerais xa comezou, e Tory, Labour e Lib-Dem usarán as mesmas tácticas de victimización e satanización como único lema, discurso e programa.
If the Yes Alliance wants to get a good result
via voting SNP (or Greens) in GE they cannot forget the tactics used against
them during the referendum campaign because that is always the game plan of the
Establishment and those who support it.
Si a Yes-Alliance quere lograr un bo resultado votando SNP (ou Verdes) nas Eleccións Xerais, non poden esquecer as tácticas usadas durante a campaña do referendo porque ese é sempre o plan de xogo do Sistema asentado e dos que o apoian
'Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.' Me in Scottish Daily Mail on @thesnp's book-burning
— John McTernan (@johnmcternan) diciembre 4, 2014
Meanwhile, the entire World will be watching
with hope at what is going to happen next in Scotland.
Namentras, o mundo enteiro estará mirando con esperanza que vai pasar en Escocia a continuación.
Recommended articles: The demonisation of political protest
Artigos recomendados: How the BBC stole the referendum
Recommended articles: The demonisation of political protest
Artigos recomendados: How the BBC stole the referendum
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