luns, 29 de xaneiro de 2018

A #CheerstoRabbie Burns in Galicia // Un brindis por Rabbie Burns #BurnsNights2018 #BurnsNight #RabbieBurns

Todos os anos celebramos en Compostela a Noite de Rabbie Burns, o insigne e famoso bardo escocés. 
Esta celebración é unha arraigada tradición en Escocia e arredor do mundo onde hai comunidade escocesa. 
Non pode faltar nesta noite o Haggis, o whisky e a poesía e cancións de Rabbie Burns, que na nosa casa non só se recitan en Scots (lingua escocesa) senón tamén en galego. 
Aquí vos deixo unha pequena mostra da nosa humilde celebración

Watching the news - Fake news and Flags #spanishpress #Scotland #FakeNews #Flags #news

xoves, 25 de xaneiro de 2018

The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 11 - Burns Special #CheerstoRabbie #BurnsNight

This week’s Alex Salmond Show broadcasts on the celebratory day of Scotland’s national poet Robert Burns.
Alex recites the first stanza of the bard’s epic poem ‘Tam O’Shanter,’ while Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh interviews songwriter Ryan Joseph Burns, who also performs his own new arrangements of both ‘Ae Fond Kiss’ and ‘A Man’s a Man For A’ That.’
Alex also examines the putative alliance developing between the House of Lords and the Scottish and Welsh parliaments to put a spoke in the wheel of the government’s Brexit Bill. He interviews leading Euroskeptic Sir William Cash MP and, from Scotland and Wales, Tommy Sheppard MP and Liz Saville-Roberts MP.

xoves, 18 de xaneiro de 2018

The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 10: International Development #Oxfam #InternationalDevelopment

The focus this week is on international development. Alex speaks to the UK government’s former secretary of state, Andrew Mitchell MP, about the importance of Britain’s commitment to spend 0.7 percent of national income on overseas aid.
Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh travels to Oxfam’s UK HQ to speak to Katy Chakrabortty, who explains the importance of international development goals being consistent across all government departments

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon: 2018 Politicians and Professionals Series - David Hume Institute #speech #Scotland #NicolaSturgeon

Text of the Speech:

David Hume Institute website:

Journey to Yes #20: Nina and Craig say YES #Scotland #Indyref2 #Brexit via @PhantomPower14

Nina and Craig say Yes. North-East England voted emphatically to leave the European Union despite being a region that benefits most from EU trade and funding. The Brexit vote also triggered a rise in anti-immigrant attitudes and rethink for specialist nurses Nina and Craig about where to spend their future. Nina, a Danish EU National, and Craig were deeply impressed by the Scotland's pro-EU values and they decided to move north. Nina and Craig reflect on the damaging impact of Brexit on the NHS, the 'Great British' brand, anti-English Scots and why Scotland must now break free of the union to remain a prosperous, open and independent nation in the EU.
20th in a series.
We are looking for people to get involved in this series - now is the time to speak out and share your Journey to Yes story.

luns, 15 de xaneiro de 2018

Scotland's Place in Europe: people, jobs and investment #Brexit #Scotland #Economy #Investsment #EU #UK #SingleMarket

xoves, 4 de xaneiro de 2018

The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 8 - Strasbourg Special #HHRR #Democracy #Spain #Turkey #CouncilofEurope

Alex travels to Strasbourg to meet key parliamentarians, past and present, in one of Europe’s most influential institutions – the Council of Europe, which has in its membership 47 European states.
Alex will speak to the UK’s longest serving member of the Parliamentary Assembly, Sir Alan Meale, leader of the United European Left grouping Senator Tiny Kox and Senator Alice Mary Higgins of Ireland.
And Lord Dafydd Wigley states the case for the UK staying under the jurisdiction of the Strasbourg Convention on human rights.