venres, 30 de marzo de 2018

Interview with Peter A. Bell #Scotland #Devolution #Brexit #Constitutionalissue #indyref2 #Catalonia

Peter A. Bell Twitter: @BerthanPete 

Interview with Linda Graham - Broadcasting Scotland @Broadcast #Media #ScottishMedia

Interview with Peter Curran #Brexit #Negotiations #Scotland #Catalonia

Peter Curran twitter: @moridura

First Minister's Questions - 29 March 2018 #FMQs #Scotland #Politics

luns, 26 de marzo de 2018

Scotland here we go! Stay tuned... Lots of interviews coming #VisitingScotland #News #Interviews

Scotland@7 - Special on #Catalonia #ClaraPonsati 26/03/2018 via @broadcastscot

In the second pilot for our new nightly News and politics programme, we are focussing democracy in Catalonia and Spain and the European Arrest Warrants issued for Carles Puigdemont and Carla Ponsati.

Richard Walker will be joined by guests human rights defender, Aamer Anwar who is Carla Ponsati's lawyer and by Catalan journalist, Jordi Albacete.

Special Report - Scottish EU Continuity Bill by @broadcastscot #Scotland #ScotParl #Devolution #Debate #News

On Wednesday the Scottish Parliament considered the 3rd Stage reading of the Scottish EU Continuity Bill, which is intended to come into effect if the Scottish Government is unable to reach an agreement with the UK Government on the transfer of powers after Brexit and if the Scottish Government believes passing a Legislative Consent Motion on the Brexit Deal would not be in teh best interests of Scotland.

Richard Walker went to Holyrood on Wednesday to interview MSPs and to talk in particular to Mike Russell MSP. the Scottish Government Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe. We also interviewed Joan McAlpine MSP, convener of the Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee, Mark Ruskell MSP, the Scottish Green Party Spokesperson for: Climate, Energy, Environment; Food & Farming and Neil Findlay MSP, Scottish Labour Party Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Brexit, Campaigns and Party Engagement Description

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2018

Sobre a situación de Clara Posanti en Escocia #Cataluña #PresosPolíticos

venres, 23 de marzo de 2018

Hands off our Parliament #HOOP - Mans fóra do noso Parlamento #Holyrood #Scotland #Devolution #PowerGrab #Democracy #Escocia

xoves, 22 de marzo de 2018

First Minister's Questions - 22 March 2018 #FMQs #Politics #Scotland

The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 19 - The refugee family reunification bill #Refugees #FamilyReunion

Angus Brendan MacNeil MP’s refugee family reunification bill, named REFUGEES (FAMILY REUNION) (NO. 2) BILL, is a remarkable example of all-party cooperation allowing a private members’ bill to progress. It has sailed through its first House of Commons test. This proposed legislation would allow unaccompanied young refugees who have already arrived in the UK to sponsor family members to join them, and also makes provision for legal aid to be made available in such cases.
#FamilyReunion #Refugees

The Alex Salmond Show broadcasts every Thursday on RT International at 07:30, 18:30 and 23:30(GMT) on SKY 512 and FREEVIEW 113.

mércores, 21 de marzo de 2018

Escocia e Gales fan historia // Scotland and Wales make history #Brexit #ContinuityBill #EU #UK #Scotland #Wales

luns, 19 de marzo de 2018

sábado, 17 de marzo de 2018

xoves, 15 de marzo de 2018

Alex Salmond Show on #humanrights and #Salisbury chemical attack - Episode 18 #RT

Alex Salmond Show on #humanrights and #Salisbury chemical attack
This week’s Alex Salmond Show features interviews with human rights activist Peter Tatchell, and an assessment of political reaction to the Salisbury chemical-weapons attack.

The Alex Salmond Show broadcasts every Thursday on RT International at 07:30, 18:30 and 23:30(GMT) on SKY 512 and FREEVIEW 113.

mércores, 14 de marzo de 2018

[Actualizado] Conferencia de Carlos Castelao #Fotografía #Ksado #CreaciónFotográficaLuisKsado #Compostela

luns, 12 de marzo de 2018

Patricia, madre de #Gabriel: "Que no se extienda la rabia" [AUDIO]

La madre de Gabriel: "En memoria del 'Pescaíto', pido que no se extienda la rabia, que no se hable de la mujer detenida y que queden las buenas personas"

Patricia, la madre de Gabriel, ha agradecido en Más de uno "todas las acciones bonitas que la gente ha tenido" y ha pedido a la gente que nadie hable más de Ana Julia, porque no se merece que se le dé cobertura y no se merece que se hable de ella".

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018

Watching the news - 8th of March, accurate language & devolution #Scotland #8thMarch #News #ContinuityBill #spanishpress

RECOMENDADO / RECOMMENDED : Concentracións por unhas pensións dignas / Rally for decent pensions #Galicia #Pensions #StopCuts #StopPrivatizations #RetiredPeople

RECOMENDADO / RECOMMENDED: A ameaza do cobre / The copper threat #documental #documentaryfilm #MinaTourooPinoNON #Not2themine

II Xornadas sobre a pesca de cerco #Pesca #Mar #Galicia #debate #Fishing

Valoración das Xornadas polo Presidente de Acerga, José Blanco 
(Grazas a Manuel Suárez por este video)

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018

Se nós paramos, para o mundo // If we stop, the World stops #Video #8M #summary #WomensStrike #FolgaFeminista #Compostela

Comparto esta reportaxe resumo da xornada do Día Internacional das Mulleres. Do día da nosa folga, da #FolgaFeminista. Vai por todas nós, polas que estamos e polas que xa non están, polas que veñen de ca
miño. Se nós paramos, para o mundo. Adiante, nin un paso atrás
(agradecemento especial a Douglas e a Laura por todo o esforzo) 

I share this documentary summary of the International Women's Day. The day of our strike, the day of the Women´s Strike. This goes out to all of us;  for those who are already here, for those who are not here anymore and for those who are on their way. If we stop, the World stops. On we go, not one step backwards! 
(Special thanks to Douglas and Laura for all their effort) 
Pili Bolboreta​ Eva Salgado Rodríguez​ Plataforma Feminista Galega​

venres, 9 de marzo de 2018

O #8M as Mulleres fixemos historia // The #8thM Women made history #IWD2018 #FolgaFeminista #FolgadeMulleres #Compostela (English and Galician)



First Minister's Questions - 8 March 2018 #FMQs #Scotland #Politics #Debate #IWD2018

The Alex Salmond Show - Episode 17 - International Women's Day #IWD2018

In a special edition of The Alex Salmond show to mark International Women’s Day, the program adopts a different format, with Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh taking over the main presenting role.
The Show features interviews with Helen Pankhurst, great granddaughter of suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst, former Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, Tricia Marwick, and Leanne Brown, patron of the charity One Woman At A Time. All three women have broken new ground in their respective fields.
The Alex Salmond Show broadcasts every Thursday on RT International at 07:30, 18:30 and 23:30(GMT) on SKY 512 and FREEVIEW 113. 

luns, 5 de marzo de 2018

Este espazo apoia a #FolgaFeminista // This space supports the #WomenStrike #8M #FolgadeMulleres #internationalwomensday2018

Concentración de Muros: Na plaza do concello ás 12!.
Miño: Concentración no cruce da Carreira ás 12
Lalín: Concentración organizada por Azos Feministas, ás 12:30h, na Praza da Igrexa.
O Porriño: Concentración na Praza Antonio Palacios ás 12:30h