xoves, 22 de novembro de 2018

Direct Action Campaign : #KeepScotlandtheBrand #FoodandDrink #ScottishProducts #Scotland

Welcome to the #keepScotlandtheBrand direct action campaign! All supermarkets cover the provenance of our #FoodandDrink with DEFRA’s ‘Great’ campaign to some extent. Many people have no choice in what they buy, either because of availability or price. The #keepScotlandtheBrand direct action campaign should send the message home. 

How do we send a strong message encouraging supermarkets to label food clearly? 
We send the packaging back! If you find it hard to buy the produce you are looking for because it is buried beneath generic labelling, let the supermarkets know.

Take the packaging, make sure it is clean and dry - we want to be respectful of the people handling it - write a positive message explaining why you think they should #keepScotlandtheBrand and send it back to customer services. If you go online and search for the 'freepost' of the supermarket in question that makes it even simpler to send the packaging back. Be creative! Some folk are talking about writing poems or sending sketches. Let's send a positive message for Scotland's producers 

mércores, 21 de novembro de 2018

The Spanish Veto Myth 2.0 // O mito do veto español 2.0 #spanishpress #TheSpanishVetoMyth #Spain #Scotland #BrexitShambles #Gibraltar

martes, 20 de novembro de 2018

Jumping the queue / Saltándose a cola #Brexit #EUCitizens #CidadánsEuropeos #ReinoUnido #Inmigration #Inmigración #Xenofobia #Populismo #TheresaMay #EconomicImpact #BrexitShambles

A Primeira Ministra Theresa May fixo onte unha desas intervencións que utilizan os políticos para alentar ás súas tropas e quentar o ambiente.
A súa frase "Os Cidadáns Europeos xa non poderán saltarse a cola" levantou moitísima polémica e entendible indignación entre os milleiros de cidadáns de distintos países de toda Europa.

Un dos argumentos dos pro-Brexit é o control de inmigración e culpan á UE disto. Dende 2004 a UE permite aos Estados Membros lexislar e controlar o fluxo migratorio e a libre circulación. 
Theresa May, quen foi Ministra de Interior durante 6 anos nunca adoptou esta norma da EU e moitos son os que se preguntan as razóns de culpar a Unión Europea por unha neglixencia propia.

A TVE cubría a intervención de Theresa May cortando xusto o momento no que a Premier británica dicía "jumping the queue" (saltarse a cola) máis explicaban o que ela dixo. Teño que decir que non entendín ben a razón deste corte, porque habendo casi un millón de británicos residindo no Estado, está ben que escoiten o que a súa Primeira Ministra está decindo sobre inmigración. 

O trato da inmigración por parte do Goberno conservador británico, e en concreto cos cidadáns europeos contrasta enormemente coas constantes mostras de apoio da Primeira Ministra escocesa, Nicola Sturgeon, quen dende o primeiro minuto tras o referendo do Brexit prometeu facer todo o posible e o imposible para defender os dereitos dos cidadáns europeos que residen, estudan e traballan en Escocia. A pregunta reside agora en cómo Escocia e o Goberno escocés vai atopar unha solución fronte as políticas xenófobas dos Tories

Onte coñeceuse que o Goberno británico aceptou publicar un informe do impacto económico sobre Brexit antes do chamado "meaningful vote" (voto significativo) na Cámara dos Comúns. Chama a atención a falta de total transparencia do Goberno de May durante os máis de dous anos que leva xa o proceso de negociación de Brexit. E unha vez máis, a opacidade británica contrasta coa claridade cristalina do Goberno de Nicola Sturgeon que en Xaneiro de 2018 publicou o informe sobre impacto económico nos distintos supostos do Brexit, incluído un "non-acordo".

The Scottish Government published its report in January, 2018 🧐

xoves, 15 de novembro de 2018

The Brexit resignations // Dimisións do Brexit #DraftBrexitAgreement #BrexitShambles #ToryShambles #UK #EU

Hoxe vai ser un dia moi moi longo. Compartirei con esta publicación todas as dimisións. Polo momento xa dimitiron o Secretario de Estado para Norte de Irlanda e o Ministro británico para Brexit... quen será o seguinte?

O pre acordo do Brexit e a súa polémica / The controversial #DraftAgreement #Brexit #BrexitShambles #Indyref2 #Scotland #UK #NIreland #Wales #Gibraltar

martes, 13 de novembro de 2018

Journey to Yes #22 via @PhantomPower14 #Scotland #UK #Indyref2

Clive Ponting says Yes. Clive Ponting is the original British whistleblower. Long before Assange and Snowden, Ponting leaked details of a cover-up that shook the British political establishment. Working as a senior civil servant at the heart of power, Clive Ponting grew increasingly uneasy by what he witnessed. The Belgrano affair was the final straw and Ponting's leaking of documents to MPs sparked a scandal that would lead to his arrest, trial and eventual aquittal. Clive went on to pen books on the affair, an insider's view of Whitehall and is the acclaimed author of works on the green history of the world and deconstructing the myth of Churchill.
In a live event and interview Clive reflects on his time at Whitehall and offers an insight into the murky and often chaotic world of British state which he sees as essentially corrupt. Clive has had a long standing admiration for Scotland and its values since his youth and moved from France to Kelso in 2016. Clive considers independence as the obvious choice for Scots as well as a way to escape the amoral British system. Brexit is both an opportunity and a danger for Scotland as Westminster may well use emergency measures to centralise power and dissolve the Scottish Parliament. The battle for independence may get nasty but it can and must be won.
Clive Ponting writes:

luns, 12 de novembro de 2018

Fishing after Brexit: voices from the coast -- #Brexit #BrexitShambles #Fishing #Fisheries

Small-scale fishers make up the majority of the 12,000 fishers in the UK, but often don't have a voice in decision-making. So this summer, we travelled to ports around the UK to talk to them and others and industry about Brexit, and their hopes for the future of UK fishing.

mércores, 7 de novembro de 2018

Unhas pequenas recomendacións se visitades Glasgow (Escocia) #Glasgow #Scotland #Escocia #VisitingScotland #Trips

An unforgetable visit to Paradise // Unha inolvidable visita ao Paraíso #CelticFC #CelticPark #CelticvsHearts #Glasgow #Glasgowisgreenandwhite

Video en Galego // Video in Galician Language 

Video en inglés // Video in English 

Big Sammy's signed shirt 💚😍😍💚
GOTM Dec 2012
Thanks Celtic TV! 😉

Visitando o Yes Bar en Glasgow // Visiting the Yes Bar in #Glasgow #Scotland ---- #YesBar #YesMovement

Broadcasting Scotland - Better Media for a Better Future Promo #MSM #Scotland #BroadcastingScotland #Crowdfunding

Broadcasting Scotland is a new broadcaster for Scotland, producing programmes from a Scottish perspective, targeting audiences, inside Scotland and beyond. We can only be the independent TV channel you want with your support, so please support our Crowdfunder at

martes, 6 de novembro de 2018

The Galiza-Scotland brother and sisterhood in iScot Magazine #Galicia #Escocia #Scotland #Article #RosaliadeCastro #RabbieBurns

Que felicidade ver o meu primeiro artigo sobre irmandade Galego-Escocesa publicado en iScot Magazine: "From Glorious Broth to Gracious Haggis"

What a joy to see my first article published in iScot Magazine about the Galiza-Scotland brother and sisterhood : "From Glorious Broth to Gracious Haggis"

The great experience of the #FullScottish with Broadcasting Scotland // A grande experiencia do Full Scottish #Brexit #News #Scotland #Galiza #Fascism #EUResolution #Catalonia #Brasil #US

Video en inglés / Video in English  

Video en Galego / Video in Galician language 

Thank you all!