sábado, 30 de novembro de 2024

Ata sempre, Alex Salmond- Farewell to Alex Salmond #AlexSalmondMemorial #StAndrewsDay #Scotland #Alba

Hoxe, Dia de San Andrés, Día Nacional de Escocia, vai ter lugar en Edimburgo o funeral oficial e público en tributo a Alex Salmond. Tiven a enorme honra de recibir unha invitación para estar hoxe presente en St. Giles, pero varias cuestiones impedíronme estar alí hoxe.
Alex Salmond foi e será para min un referente político imprescindible, un home noble temido por mediocres que quixeron acabar coa súa luz, e non o conseguiron. Alex Salmond acompaña hoxe aos e ás  grandes heroes escoceses, nese panteón de ilustres que guiarán a Nación ata a súa independencia. Farewell, dear Alex
#Saltire4Salmond #StAndrewsDay #AlexSalmondMemorial #FarewelltoAlexSalmond

sábado, 9 de novembro de 2024

domingo, 3 de novembro de 2024

The Ordinary Elite : they whom the truth would indite #AlexSalmond #TheOrdinaryElite #Salmondslegacy


The Ordinary Elite is a Scottish podcast brought to you from Glasgow by John McGovern and Mike Dailly. Both are Solicitor Advocates - John a criminal defence lawyer and Mike a civil litigation practitioner and social justice campaigner. In our 8th episode of Season 3, we pay tribute to the legacy and memory of Scotland's former First Minister, Alex Salmond, who died suddenly at the weekend while speaking at a diplomatic conference in North Macedonia. Alex was fond of quoting from the poems and writings of Robert Burns. The words from Rabbie's "Here's a health to them that's awa" seem fitting: "There’s nane ever fear’d that the truth should be heard,
But they whom the truth would indite".