mércores, 5 de febreiro de 2020

Boris Johnson must learn from the Catalan case #Democracy #ScotlandsRightToChoose #Catalonia

I see that there are journalists in Scotland and London analysing the situation in Scotland and comparing it with Catalonia but in a completely wrong way.

Catalonia is not an example that demonstrates that Nicola Sturgeon has no choice but to go for a legal and legitimate referendum.

Catalonia is the clearest example of why Boris Johnson must not act wrongly as Mariano Rajoy and his anti-democratic government then did with Catalonia.

Boris Johnson must agree to a referendum with Nicola Sturgeon a.s.a.p.

Pedro Sánchez is now trying to negotiate and seek a dialogue solution to the Catalan situation and it is very difficult.

If Boris Johnson and his Government act as Mariano Rajoy they will be demonstrating that the UK is not a democracy ror respect all its citizens equally.

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