domingo, 12 de abril de 2015

Moderar ou non... é esa a cuestión? // To moderate or not.... is that the question? #GE2015 #Scotland #SunPolScot

Sunday Politics Scotland é un famoso programa da BBC   moderado  por Gordon Brewer, un experimentado presentador da canle.  Hoxe tivo lugar un pequeno debate onde participaron os líderes dos partidos escoceses, agás os Green. O programa en cuestión podería ter sido interesante de non ser porque a profesionalidade do "moderador" fracasou estrepitosamente.

Sunday Politics Scotland is a famous BBC program moderated by Gordon Brewer, a very experienced presenter of the channel. Today a little debate took place where all the leaders of the Scottish parties were participating, except the Greens. This program could have been interesting if the professionalism of the "moderator" hadn’t failed resoundingly.

Moito se ten falado do papel da BBC durante o referendo e a verdade que salvo algunha excepción,  o sesgo forma parte xa dunha dinámica enfermiza que acompaña tamén á prensa escrita.

Much has been said about the role of the BBC during the referendum and the truth is that apart from some exceptions, bias is now part of the unhealthy dynamics that also exist in newspapers.

A desafortunada actuación do "moderador", quen interrupía constantemente a Nicola Sturgeon,   permitíu que os outros líderes escoceses (laborista, conservador e liberal demócrata) exerceran de "entrevistadores" contra Nicola, tamén interrumpíndoa sen parar coa clara intención de non deixar que o público a escoitase.

 The unfortunate actions of the "moderator", who continously interrupted Nicola Sturgeon, allowed the rest of the Scottish leaders (Labour, Conservative and LibDem) to act  like interviewers against Nicola Sturgeon, also interrupting her nonstop with the clear intention of not letting the audience listen to her.

Jim Murphy, lider (?) dos laboristas escoceses, increpou a Nicola Sturgeon perdendo totalmente as formas. Os seus 7,6 billóns de deficit (que xa existe en Escocia) é o número máxico que repite ata a saciedade contra a proposta do SNP de conseguir Autonomía Fiscal Plena para Escocia. 

Jim Murphy, leader (?) of Scottish Labour, rebuked Nicola Sturgeon completely forgetting his manners. His 7,6 billion pound deficit (which already exists in Scotland) is the magic number that he repeats over and over again, against the SNP’s proposal of getting Full Fiscal Autonomy for Scotland.

Jim Murphy parecía crecido pola visita que Miliband fixo a Escocia, nas que asegurou entre outras cousas, que bloquería a realización dun futuro referendo de independencia... Pero Miliband probablemente esqueceu, ao igual que todos os demais partidos unionistas, que o parágrafo 18 das recomendacións da Smith Commission, di totalmente o contrario... pero claro, quen se acorda agora da Smith Commission e do Vow? 

Jim Murphy seemed to have grown with Miliband’s visit to Scotland, who said, amongst many things, that he will block any future referendum for independence... But Miliband has probably forgotten, like the rest of the unionist parties, about parapgraph 18 of the Smith Commission... but well... who remembers now about the Smith Commission and the Vow?

Ruth Davidson, a conservadora, asegura que as políticas do SNP son malas, que a anti-austeridade só traerá mais pobreza e crise a Escocia... E o liberal Demócratas Willie Rennie insistiu no seu slogan "pero vós perdístedes o referendo" e repetindo este discurso co fin de manter os votos de Setembro. Rennie ofrece cero argumentos contra as políticas de austeridade.

Ruth Davidson, Conservative, assured that the SNP policies were bad, that anti-austerity will bring only more poverty and crisis to Scotland. And the LibDem Willie Rennie insisted with his slogan “but you lost the referendum” repeating this speech with the objective of keeping the votes of September 2014. Rennie offers zero arguments against austerity policies.

A falta de respeto pola audiencia, pero mesmo as formas dirixíndose a Nicola Sturgeon son claramente ofensivas; eu non deixo de recordar a tan manida frase utilizada polos unionistas durante #indyref: "sintome intimidado... isto é tan agresivo"... Debería sentirse Nicola Sturgeon intimidada por estes comportamentos? Pois é ben seguro que non tendo os argumentos que ten, fortes, claros, ben definidos... argumentos dos que carecen os partidos pro-austeridade. 

The lack of respect for the audience, even the manner of speaking to Nicola are clearly offensive; I cannot get the so repeated phrase out of my mind that was used by the unionists during #indyref: “I feel intimidated... this is so aggressive”... Should Nicola Sturgeon feel intimidated by this behaviour? Well, surely not, especially when she has such strong, clear and well defined arguments,... arguments that the pro-austerity parties don’t have.

Esta crise de histeria dos partidos unionistas é debida ao enorme ascenso do SNP, que pode gañar ata 53 dos 59 deputados que lle corresponden. Curiosamente, non hai noticias sobre Alistair Carmichael, o que é o Secretario de Estado para Escocia (Scotland Office) que desapareceu do mapa tras a filtración no Telegraph; o seu escano, ataagora era un dos mais seguros, está tamén en perigo. E eu pregúntome xa quen poderá ser o seguinte Secretario de Estado da vindeira lexislatura se ao final as prediccións se cumplen... vai ser interesante.

This crisis of hysterics from the unionist parties is because of the huge SNP growth, who could win 53 of the 59 seats correponding to Scotland. Curiously there is no news about Alistair Carmichael, Secretary of State for Scotland (Scotland Office) who seems to have disappeared after the leak by the Telegraph; his seat, one of the most secure in Scotland, is now in danger. And I already wonder who could be the next Secretary of State during the next British Government if those predictions come true... It is going to be interesting.

É desafortunado que o moderador pasase a formar parte do caos e olvidase a súa profesionalidade permitindo que  as artimañas e as suxas estratexias se multiplicasen e proliferasen contra da que está considerada a lider mais valorada en todo o Reino Unido. O "todo vale" tivo éxito no voto do 18 de setembro... mais terá éxito no voto do 7 de maio?

It’s unfortunate that the moderator became part of this chaos and forgot his professionalism,  and that the dirty tricks and strategies were allowed to multiply and proliferate against the person who is considered to be the most valued leader in the UK. The “anything goes” was successful for the 18th of September vote....but will it be successful for the vote on the  7th of May?

E como sempre, mil gracias a Peter Curran (@moridura) quen grazas ao seu tempo e esforzo podo deixarvos esta mostra do que vos estou a contar:

And as usual, thank you so much to Peter Curran (@moridura) who thanks to his time and effort, I can give you this example of what I’m talking about:

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