venres, 16 de outubro de 2015

Fair share of free fish // Reparto xusto de peixe de balde #fairquotas #OCerco #GZ #Galicia #Portosín #shipowners

On the 16th of October, Galician ship-owners and fishermen were mobilized again in Compostela. This time, it was (O Cerco) the purse-seine sector. They were calling for a fair share of quotas. They gave away free fish to the people of Compostela and foodbanks in an attempt to inform about their situation. Between 6 and 8 thousand kilos of pilchard, the annual quota of fish for one boat. In Compostela, they gave away this quantity  in less than an hour. 

O 16 de outubro, os armadores e mariñeiros galegos mobilizáronse outra vez en Compostela. Nesta ocasión foi o sector do Cerco. Reclaman reparto xusto de cuotas, e repartiron peixe fresco entre a xente de Compostela e organizacións como Cáritas e a Cociña Económica, nun intento de informar da súa situación. Entre 6 e 8 mil kilos de xurel, o total correspondente a unha cuota anual para un barco. En Compostela repartíronna en menos dunha hora.

The Spanish Government in Madrid has the powers to negotiate the quotas in Europe, and also has the power to divide these quotas for zones, but they have not taken any notice of the fishing sector's vindications for years, so the share of quotas results in a disaster.  The ship-owners and fishermen say that they are tired of calling for attention and support. The same happens when they speak to the Galician Governement (both Conservative).

O Goberno español en Madrid ten as competencias para negociar as cuotas en Europa, tamén a de dividir ditas cuotas por zoas, mais fan caso omiso ás reivindicacións feitas durante anos polo sector, polo que o reparto de cuotas resulta desastroso. Os armadores e mariñeiros están cansos de pedir atención e apoio. O mesmo acontece cando falan co Goberno Galego (ambos conservadores).

I had the pleasure of speaking to Eduardo Carreño, a ship-owner from Portosín, a beautiful town on the Galician coast that Douglas and I know very well. The fishing sector is essencial. 
Eduardo explained to me the kind of fishery they do; he also told me that in the North Cantabric Area there are a total of 305 fishing boats, of which 152 are from Galicia. Each Galician fishing boat, with 10 people aboard  receives a quota of 8000kg of fish, meanwhile any boat from the Basque Country receives 300.000 kilos each. 

Tiven o pracer de falar con Eduardo Carreño, armador de Portosín, un fermoso pobo da costa Galega que Douglas i eu coñecemos moi ben. O sector pesqueiro é fundamental.

 Eduardo explicoume cómo é o xeito de pesca que fan; tamén me dixo que na Area do Cantábrico norte ten unha Frota de 305 embarcacións das que 152 son de Galiza. Cada barco galego, con 10 tripulantes a bordo recibe unha cuota anual de 8000 kilos de peixe, namentras que calquera barco do País Vasco recibe permiso para pescaren 300.000 kilos.

I also had the great honour of meeting  José Blanco, Presidente of ACERGA (Galician Shipbuilders of Purse-Seine Association),  who explained with all the details what the current situation is.
He was very critical of the latest political statement from the official authorities published in the newspapers saying that the situacion of the "Cerco"(Purse-Seine Fishing Sector) is the best in years and that the fishermen earn enough money to pay their bills and for a living.  José Blanco seemed to be very angry; He was not just denying the Government statement but explained that the situation is far more serious and that the entire fishing sector is in real danger of desappearing; and the thing is especially worse for those who, being encouraged by the Galician and Spanish Government to be new entrepreneurs, bought a boat and now cannot go fishing because of the lack of quotas.

Tiven tamén a grande honra de coñecer a José Blanco, Presidente de ACERGA (Asociación de Armadores de Cerco de Galicia), quen explicou con todo luxo de detalles cal era a situación actual.

Foi moi crítico coas últimas declaracións das autoridades políticas publicadas na prensa nas que dicían que a situación do sector do Cerco era o mellor en anos e que os mariñeiros gañaban suficientes cartos para pagar as débedas e para vivir. José Blanco estaba visiblemente enfadado; non só negou tal cousa as declaracións do Goberno senón que tamén explicou que a situación é ainda moito peor e que o sector pesqueiro ao completo está en serio perigo de desaparecer; e as cousas son especialmente peor para aqueles que, logo de seren animados polos gobernos español e galego para convertirse en "emprendedores", mercaron un barco e agora non poden ir pescar pola falta de cuotas. 

They will continue with meetings in Portosín to decide the next steps and mobilizations. We'll be with them. We support our fishermen, of course.

Continuarán con xuntanzas en Portosín para decidir os seguintes pasos e mobilizacións. Estaremos con eles. Apoiamos a nosa xente do mar, por suposto. 


Comunication from ACERGA: After the assembly of Portosin, the purse seine fleet of Galicia has called an indefinite strike of the entire fleet. 

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