Onte tivo lugar o debate das emendas presentadas pola Cámara dos Lores ao proxecto de lei de desconexión do Brexit.
Nel tiñan que ser debatidas as emendas correspondentes ás que afectan a soberanía e as competencias que legalmente teñen os Parlamentos de Escocia, Gales e a Asamblea de Irlanda do Norte.
Polo tipo de procedemento arcaico que segue a Cámara dos Comúns, tan só quedaron 15 minutos para tratar un tema tan transcendental e tan só o Ministro para Brexit tivo a palabra, provocando unha imaxe surreal de case 70 minutos de puntos de orde por parte dos deputados do SNP, visible e comprensiblemente enfadados. O Speaker entendendo o enfado suxería que o Goberno debería prestar atención de abrir un novo prazo para un debate adecuado. Poucos cren que isto sexa posible e a fenda creada entre os Goberno de Theresa May e o Parlamento de Holyrood en Escocia cada día medra máis. A grande maioría agardan con ansiedade que os seus deputados marchen de Westminster e se poña en marcha un referendo de independencia coma única solución a salvar a Escocia da queima do caótico e destrutivo Brexit.
House of Commons votes 321 to 40 to agree with the remainder of amendments in the second group made by the @UKHouseofLords to the #EUWithdrawalBill.— UK House of Commons (@HouseofCommons) 12 de junio de 2018
These amendments relate to devolution.
Observando o sistema da Cámara dos Comúns onde hoxe se votan as emendas da Cámara dos Lores sobre #Brexit— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 12 de junio de 2018
Non vai dar tempo a debatir as emendas sobre devolución que afectan ao Parlamento escocés. É de tolos 😧 https://t.co/k4PY3A5KKK

The Tories couldn’t have made it any clearer today that they have no respect for @ScotParl. Never again will the line that Scotland is an equal partner in Westminster system be believed. The decision to act without our consent, and the manner of doing it, will not be forgotten.— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) 12 de junio de 2018
And this is today's summary:— Pilar Fernandez (@pilaraymara) 12 de junio de 2018
The Union is over. #EUWithdrawalBill #BrexitShambles #Devolution pic.twitter.com/JRY5wWVdd7
I campaigned for a Scottish https://t.co/rV0viGuWBw the House of Commons has overturned that devolution settlement taking back the Parliament’s devolved powers. As a former Presiding Officer of the ScotmParl who was elected to protect the powers of the Parliament I am appalled.— Tricia Marwick (@TriciaMarwick) 12 de junio de 2018
Commenting to the Speaker on today's debate travesty at Westminster regards devolution & #BrexitBill , @HannahB4LiviMP points out: "The public looking on not just in Scotland & across the UK but across the world will be looking at our procedures & laughing".— WomenForIndependence (@WomenForIndy) 12 de junio de 2018
All of the 3 Scottish and UK party leaders have signed a declaration guaranteeing more power for Scotland #bbcindyref pic.twitter.com/uh64pWihCc— Better Together (@UK_Together) 14 de septiembre de 2014
.@IanBlackfordMP tells #BBCGMS that the lack of time given to Scottish MPs to debate the #Brexit bill was a "democratic outrage" https://t.co/5SNbkrxZLb pic.twitter.com/ACX6TWkyx8— BBC Scotland News (@BBCScotlandNews) 13 de junio de 2018
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