domingo, 19 de maio de 2013

The Ancient Order of Moridura / A Antiga Orde de Moridura - Peter Curran

Twitterland é un mundo moi curioso. Hai moita diversidade, e polo tanto, tamén moita basura;  mais se buscas intereses comúns poderas atopar xente moi interesante.
No medio de todo e buscando por conexións con Escócia coñecin a Peter Curran (@moridura) e a miña curiosidade fixo que me enterase do seu fantástico blog e tamén a súa novela “The Ancient Order of Moridura”.

 Peter Curran, un home moi interesante (vos recomendo que botedes unha visual ao seu blog ) naceu en Glasgow e agora vive pretiño de Edinburgo. Está moi implicado co seu país e coa campaña do YES pola Independencia de Escócia, e tamén é músico e toca o clarinete ( coma o meu tío Ricardo!) e ainda non lle sentin a voz, estou segura de que mantén ese acento Glaswedgian que tanto me gusta. Ogallá poida coñecelo persoalmente algún día.

Estiven lendo este libro con atención. Normalmente non gosto da novela porque o meu cerebro prefire temática mais específica, pero teño que recoñecer que este libro, que transcorre por terras de Extremadura, foi unha enorme aprendizaxe para min.

Primeiro, porque o meu “para nada” perfecto inglés, ven de sofrer algunha estrana transformación durante a lectura; segundo, porque fun transportada de sorpresa en sorpresa flotando entre continuas referencias á historia española, relixión, a normal vida social, jazz, ditos escoceses, datos científicos… e iso fai este libro perfecto para ser totalmente recomendable.

Rin a cachón có tan típico comportamento escocés, ese tipo de comportamento que tan ben coñezo porque vivo cada dia en contacto con el, na presencia do meu adorable marido Douglas.

Os escoceses: ese maravilloso pobo que ten un tal especial poder que consiguen mezclarse e sentirse como os nativos onde queira que se atopen. Xamais te aburrirías con eles... Xa o dixen en mais ocasións, pero non me cansarei de repetir que non son obxectiva neste ponto.

Bon, podería darvos mais datos, mais prefiro recomendarvos esta lectura e agradecer unha vez mais ao meu twitter-amigo Peter Curran o tan ben grato tempo que pasei lendo “The Ancient Order of Moridura”

Twitterland is a very curious world. You can find lot of diversity, there is a lot of rubbish, but if you look for common connections you will certainly find some very interesting twitters.

In the middle of this world and looking for Scottish connections, I met Peter Curran (@moridura) and my curiosity made me find his fantastic blog and learn about his novel “The Ancient Order of Moridura”. 
Peter Curran is a very interesting man and I recommend that you have a look at his book and also his blog ( He was born in Glasgow but is now living near Edinburgh, he is very involved with his country Scotland and with YES for Independence and he also plays clarinet (like my uncle Ricardo!) and despite me not knowing him personally, I’m sure that he keeps the Glasgwegian accent that I like so much. I look forward to meeting him personally, one day.

I’ve being reading his book with attention. I don’t usually like novels because my practical brain prefers more specific themes, but I have to say that this book, which takes place in the lands of Extremadura, was a huge education to me.

First of all because my “not-at-all” perfect English does suffer from some wee transformations during the reading; second, because I’ve being transported from surprise to surprise floating between continued references about Spanish history, religion, normal social life, jazz, Scottish sayings, scientists dates, … and that makes this book a wonderful read to be recommended.

I’ve being laughing a lot with the so typical Scottish behavior, that kind of behavior that I know so very well because I live with it every day in the presence of my lovely husband Douglas.

The Scots, these wonderful people with such a special power to mix and feel like the natives wherever they are… you’d never get bored with them. I’ve said it before and will never tire of saying that I’m not very objective on this.

Well, I could tell you more but I prefer to recommend this book and thank again my twitter-friend Peter Curran for such a wonderful time I had reading “The Ancient Order of Moridura”

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