mércores, 4 de setembro de 2013



There is nothing like reading the right wing Spanish press to know how terribly nervous they are when faced with the Scottish referendum.

Since knowing the results of the survey commissioned by the SNP, these days we can see a battery of news from the right wing media (ABC, La Razón ,El Imparcial …) decrying this survey and reporting the harm that would come to Scotland from achieving independence. They keep on and will continue following, as usual, two ways of confusion and manipulation.

Firstly: to run their regular campaign of fear, they copy the slogans of "Better Together". They try to confuse by saying that a NO vote can ensure more devolution powers, when everybody knows that in their model of globalized Europe, countries have fewer and fewer responsibilities and powers.

They lie and try to intimidate and the more we approach the moment, it will get worse because soon we will see more campaigns against the leaders of the“Yes for Independence”... the old school never changes.

Secondly: They try to mix (and the more, the better) the possible referendum in Catalonia with the Scottish one to destroy the idea that any country could get independence in this model that they want in the globalized world.

Catalonia, like every country in the world, should have the right to decide whether or not they want independence. It's civil society that will inevitably make these changes and I'm sure they are not going to backtrack.

But I think CIU will finally yield to pressures from Madrid and seek a way to delay the consultation, with the resulting effect that in the next election, there will be great success for ERC and they will have in their hands, but with approval, the ability to carry out a more appropriate social project than the center-right Catalan is trying for now.

Beware therefore of falling into the blunder of wanting to mix these two projects up because each of them, even though they share their enemies, have their own characteristics and should be observed separately.



Non hai nada como ler á prensa da dereita española para saber o terriblemente nerviosos que están de cara ao Referendo de Escocia.

Logo de coñecerse os resultados da enquisa encargada polo SNP, vemos nestes días unha batería de noticias dos medios de dereita (ABC, La Razón, El Imparcial...) censurando dita enquisa e informando do mal que lle iría a Escocia de acadar a independencia. Seguen e seguiran con dúas vías de confusión e manipulación.

Por unha banda, a de facer a súa campaña habitual de medo, ao calor dos slogans do "Better Together". De confundir mentindo dicindo que o voto ao NON asegura mais competencias autonómicas, cando tod@s sabemos que no seu modelo globalizado de Europa, os países terán cada vez menos competencias e poderes. Menten e tendan amedrentar e canto mais se achegue o momento, pior vai ser, porque pronto veremos mais campañas en contra dos líderes do SI á independencia... a vella escola nunca cambia.

Por outra banda, a de tratar de mesturar canto mais mellor o referendo de Cataluña co de Escocia para destruír a idea de que ningún país vai ser independente neste modelo que queren de mundo globalizado.

O pobo catalán, ao igual que calquera pobo, ten dereito a decidir se quere ou non á independencia. É a sociedade civil a que inevitablemente vai marcar estes cambios que estou segura non teñen marcha atrás.

Penso que CIU finalmente cederá a presións de Madrid e que buscarán a forma de demorar a consulta, co conseguinte efecto de que nas vindeiras eleccións, vai ser ERC quen gañe adeptos e teña nas súas mans, con mais folgura, a posibilidade de levar a cabo todo un proxecto social mais adecuado ao que o centrodereita catalán pretende agora mesmo.

Coidado polo tanto con caer na torpeza de querer mesturar estes dous proxectos xa que cada un deles, aínda que compartan inimigos, teñen as súas características e deben ser observados por separado.

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