venres, 21 de agosto de 2015

Banquete de Conxo - Rolda de prensa (Audio e fotos) #pressconference #alltogether4Galicia

Hoxe participei nunha rolda de prensa xunto con Xosé Manuel Pereiro, Carlos Ares e Suso Díaz; na mesma que anunciamos formalmente a celebración do evento chamado "Banquete de Conxo 2.0" que terá lugar o 23 de Agosto en Compostela.

Today I participated in a press conference with Xosé Manuel Pereiro, Carlos Ares and Suso Díaz in which we formally announced the celebration of an event called "Banquete de Conxo 2.0" (in honour of a historical event in which workers and students decided to join together and fight against the Establishment)

Animamos a todas as organizacións, movementos sociais, cidadáns a participar neste evento, có ánimo de que poidamos ser capaces entre todos de lograr unha candidatura galega de cara ás eleccións xerais. Tod@s temos moito que aportar, Galiza precisa de tod@s para ter unha voz propia e forte e acadar un grupo parlamentar que represente e defenda os intereses da nosa Nación. Xogámonos moito e o momento require o mellor de cada un de nós, de tod@s nós. 

We encourage all the political organizations, social groups and citizens to join us and participate in this event, with the aim of getting, between us, all together, a unitary Galician candidate list for the  General Elections. We all have a lot of ideas to share and Galicia needs all of us to have our own and strong voices and to get an parlamentary group representing and defending the common interests of our Nation. There is lot in play and the moment requires the best from all of us, everyone of us.
Se vos queredes inscribir, ainda estades a tempo, este é o link:
If you like to join us, there is still time, here is the link

Audio completo da rolda de prensa - Full audio of the press conference

(Xosé Manuel Pereiro 1' -- Pilar Fernández 6' //  -- Carlos Ares 8' 33'' -- Suso Díaz 9' 48''  // Preguntas /Questions 11'35'') 

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