martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

As inexplicables (e imperdonables) decisións dos gobernos // The inexplicable (and inexcusable) decisions of governments #Fishing #ArtesVarias #Pesca #Ocerco

Douglas and I were in Malpica at the weekend, having been invited by the Women of the Purse-Seine fishing sector. They were celebrating the IV Medieval and Seafaring Fair and we had an event and a chat with people from Malpica about the past, present and future of this fishing town.

By chance we met Xosé Iglesias, a great fisherman, owner of a small, very traditional vessel (inshore fishing). We already knew about it, but Xosé told us about this new ban for traditional boats and how he felt. You have to be aware that we are talking about bycatch which is even more irrealistic, but the Galician Government have banned the fishermen for bringing whiting, hake and other species in port. And this ban produces these images. We don't even know how to categorize them . Both, the interview with Xosé and the video of some fishermen throwing the bycatch overbroard in order not to be fined went viral. 

How can it be that the inshore vessels throw overboard fish already dead, because of the incompetence, ineptitude and stubbornness of the powers in office? Have they any idea about fishing? Why can the industrial boats fish the same species without any problem? The answer is again, the plan to promote aquaculture all around the Galician coast... again...

I was always told as a child not to play with my food, that wasting food is a sin ... remember? This is what happens today in the seas of Galicia, with levels of poverty and necessity breaking records. We are just waiting for the Galician Minister to ask for calm from the sector (again) .This is outrageous.

Douglas i eu estivemos en Malpica durante a fin de semana invitadas polas Mulleres do Cerco. Celebraban un evento na IV Feira Medieval e Mariñeira e tivemos unha charla-coloquio con xente de Malpica sobre o pasado, o presente e o futuro deste pobo mariñeiro.

Por casualidade atopamos a Xosé Iglesias, fantástico mariñeiro e dono dunha embarcación de baixura tradicional. Xa coñecíamos a noticia pero Xosé explicounos a prohibición de traer pescadilla, merluza e outras especies a porto e como se sentía. Debedes ter en conta que estamos a falar de pesca accidental, o cal é ainda mais irreal, pero o Goberno da Xunta prohibiu aos mariñeiros traer pescadilla, merluza, caballa... e esta prohibición produce estas imaxes que non sei nin como catalogalas. Ambolos dous videos, a entrevista con Xosé e o que recibín anónimamente de como os mariñeiros tiran o que pescan accidentalmente para non seren multados convertíronse en virais.

Como pode ser que os barcos de baixura tiren ao mar peixe xa morto pola incompetencia, cerrazón e ineptitude dos que mandan nos despachos? Teñen algunha idea de pesca? Por que os barcos industriais de pesca poden pescar as mesmas especias sen problema? A resposta, outra vez, é o plan para promover a acuicultura industrial ao redor da costa galega... outra vez...

Sempre me dixeron de pequena que coa comida non se xoga, que tirar a comida é pecado... lembrades? Pois isto é o que pasa hoxe nos mares de Galicia con índices de pobreza e necesidade batendo records. Estou esperando que a Conselleira volte a pedir calma ao sector (de novo). Isto é indignante

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