mércores, 14 de xaneiro de 2015

A ameaza real // The real threat #rights #humanrights #austeritypolicies #peace

O acontecido en París é outra mostra mais de barbarie, é mostra do sadismo daqueles que asasinan friamente, e da hipocrisía de todos os gobernantes que por unha parte crean e financian grupos paramilitares e por outra asisten a unha manifestación pretendendo defender a liberdade de expresión. 

What happened in Paris is another show of barbarism, it’s a show of sadism from those who kill in cold blood, and the hypocrisy of all the Governments who on one hand create and finance paramilitary groups and with the other hand take part in a demonstration pretending to defend free speech.  

Menten. Menten e cada dia con mais descaro e prepotencia. Mentíronnos cando crearon probas falsas que repetiron ata a saciedade cos seus medios propagandísticos; e coas súas mentiras bombardearon Irak e asasinaron ducias de miles de civís. Menten, cando din que están en contra do terrorismo e continúan facendo da industria de armamento e militar a base da riqueza duns poucos, deses que son os verdadeiros donos do mundo.
They lie. They lie every day with ever more effrontery and arrogance. They lied when they created fake evidence that was repeated ad nauseam by their propagandistic media; and with their lies, they bombed Iraq and killed thousands of civilians. They lie when they say that they are against terrorism and they keep the military and arms industry as a base of enrichment for a few who are the real owners of the World. 

E fomentan o pánico, o medo, o terror...  eles, os mesmos que din estar a favor dos dereitos dos cidadáns, aproban leis mordazas, falan de romper os acordos sobre dereitos humanos, limitan os accesos a internet coa desculpa de que unha terrible ameaza terrorista cérnese sobre nós.

They promote panic, fear, terror... they, the same who claim to defend citizen’s rights approve “gag laws”, they pledge to scrap the Human Rights Act, they limit and control access to the internet with the excuse that a terrible threat is hanging over us.

ELES son a nosa verdadeira ameaza. Os que crean probas falsas para xustificar guerras;  os que manexan os aparatos propagandísticos; os nos tratan como criminais cando esiximos o respecto e os dereitos que merecemos, os mesmos dereitos que vemos en perigo de extinción;  os que nos menten repetíndonos que vivimos en democracia, nun Estado de dereito que cada vez semella mais a un Estado de indefensión, discriminación e desigualdade; os que condenan aos mais débiles namentres corruptos, ladróns de guante branco, pederastas, e terroristas, continúan libres, impunes e moitos mesmo en postos de privilexio e poder.

THEY are the real threat. Those who create fake evidence to justify wars; those who manage the propaganda apparatus; those who treat us like criminals when we demand the rights and respect that we deserve, the same rights that we see endangered; those who constantly lie to us repeating that we are living in democracy, with arule of law” which increasingly looks more like a “state of helplessness, discrimination and inequality”; those who condemn the poorest and weakest while corrupt robber barons, paedophiles and terrorists are entirely free, unpunished and many of them in positions of power and privilege.

Ningunha violencia gratuíta ten xustificación, pero a deles menos aínda. Suponse que eles son os que deben de dar exemplo; eles, que din representar ás nacións pola graza das urnas; eles deberían de ser os que dirixan ao mundo cara a paz. Mais algo está acontecendo, para ao unísono, en todo o mundo, estes “representantes dos pobos” queiran silenciarnos, aumentar o control ata límites insospeitados e reprimir aos pobos en nome da democracia e do Estado de dereito.

No gratuitous violence is justified, but theirs even less so. It is expected of them that they are the ones who should be exemplary. Those who claim to represent the nations by the grace of the polls are the ones who should lead the World toward peace. But something is going on for worldwide unison, these "representatives of the people" want to silence us, increase controls on the absolute limits, and repress the people in the name of democracy and the rule of law.
E eu non podo deixar de preguntarme: qué arquivos e datos manexan para chegar a estas políticas? A qué lle teñen tanto medo? Qué están argallando desta volta? Que traman?  Sexa o que sexa, non é no meu nome.

And I cannot help wondering: What files and data are they managing to come to these policies? What are they so afraid of?  What are they organizing on this occasion? What plot? Whatever it is, it is not in my name.

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