venres, 1 de maio de 2015

A irresponsabilidade de Ed Miliband // Miliband's irresponsibility #GE2015 #SNP #Scotland #Labour

Na súa intervención televisiva da pasada noite, Miliband asegurou por activa e por pasiva que non chegaría a ningún tipo de acordo ou coalición co SNP, ainda que iso supoña perder a oportunidade de gobernar en Reino Unido. Tal afirmación abre totalmente as portas do goberno a Cameron e os conservadores, e a xa rumoreada "Gran Coalition" empeza a facerse realidade. 

During his last tv intervention last night, Miliband assured, both actively and passively that Labour wouldn’t have any kind of deal or coalition with the SNP, even if that meant losing the opportunity to govern in the UK. Such an affirmation totally opens the doors to Cameron and the Conservatives, and so the whispered “Grand Coalition” is starting to become a reality

(Grazas coma sempre a Peter Curran por este video) 

(Thank you as usual to Peter Curran for this video)

Terrible traspés de Ed Miliband con esta estratexia que primeiro, remata ao xa moribundo Scottish Labour; segundo, deixa paso á continuación das políticas de austeridade que conservadores e laboristas iniciaron; e terceiro, é un insulto ao democrático voto de toda unha nación, e si Escocia decide votar maioritariamente ao SNP, un insulto á unha decisión democrática do pobo escocés.

It’s a terrible mistake from Miliband to follow this strategy that first of all finally killed off the walking dead Scottish Labour; and second, allows for the continuation of austerity policies that Conservatives and Labour started; and third, it’s an insult to the democratic vote of an entire Nation, and if Scotland decides as a majority to vote for the SNP, it will be an insult to the democratic decision of the Scottish people.

A estratexia laborista é acusar ao Scottish National Party de promover outro referendo pola porta de atrás... a verdade é que con estas actitudes, insultando aos escoceses e chamándolles INIMIGO tal e como fixo Cameron estes días, acusando ao SNP de racismo tal e como fai o racista, xenófobo e fascista Farage, e mandando a mensaxe de que "os vosos votos nos importan un carallo" tal e como ven de facer Ed. Miliband... e coa campaña "Stay with us, we love you Scotland" tan fresca na mente dos escoceses, é a mesma irresponsabilidade, anti-democracia e estupidez dos unionistas a que provocará este segundo referendo mais cedo que tarde.

Labour strategy is to accuse the SNP of promoting another referendum by the back door. The reality is that with this kind of behaviour, by insulting the Scots and calling them “THE ENEMY” like Cameron has done these days, by accusing the SNP of racism, like the racist, xenophobe and fascist Farage did, and by sending  the message that “Your votes aren’t worth  shit..” like Ed Miliband has just done, and with the campaign “Stay with us, we love you Scotland” still fresh in the memory of Scots, it is only the  irresponsability, anti-democracy and their stupidity of the unionists that will provoke this second referendum sooner rather than later.

Dende o meu punto de vista, un segundo referendo de independencia é cada día mais que factible nos vindeiros 5 anos, grazas ao desastroso e hipócrita da estratexia unionista. Ali estaremos, apoiando ao noso pobo irmán para que nesta ocasión voten maioritariamente YES!

From my point of view, a second referendum for independence is more inevitable every day and it will happen within the next 5 years, thanks to the disastrous and hypocritical strategy of the unionism. Here we’ll be, supporting our brothers and sisters in Scotland, so on that occassion they clearly vote YES!

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