martes, 16 de xuño de 2015

A promesa rota // Broken vow #ScotlandBill #Devolution #SmithCommission #Indyref #Europe #SNP #Team56

Téñoo dito antes, e o repito. Existe una estratexia común dende a dereita europea de facer desaparecer autonomías e nacións pequenas, especialmente aquelas cunha forte personalidade, identidade e voz en contra das políticas de austeridade. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There is a common strategy from the European right wing to make autonomies and small nations disappear, especially those with a strong personality, identity and voice against austerity policies.

Os conservadores usaron toda a maquinaria do Estado contra Escocia durante o referendo. O Proxecto Medo foi, sen dúbida, unha xenial arma para convencer a xente a votar non... e logo THE VOW, as promesas feitas ao pobo de Escocia lograron o resultado desexado.

The conservatives used all the machinery of the Establishment against Scotland during the referendum. Project Fear was indeed a great weapon to convince people to vote no…. and then the VOW, the promises made to the people of Scotland, got the result they wished.

Gordon Brown e a cegueira do Partido Laborista permitiu isto... cegueira ou... foron realmente cómplices dende o primeiro momento deste plan irrespectuoso?  O Financial Times publicou que Cameron e Brown traballaron xuntos contra Escocia. Quen podería esquecer isto?

Gordon Brown and the blindness of Labour allowed that… blindness or… were they really accomplices from the very first moment of this disrespectful plan? The Financial Times published that Cameron and Brown worked together against Scotland… who could forget that?

Onte, durante o debate do Proxecto de Lei para Escocia, vimos claramente que a intención de Westminster  é ser “Unha Grande Nacion”, actuando coma unha sóa grande nación e tendo o antidemocrático poder de facer desaparecer o Parlamento escocés en contra da vontade do pobo escocés. Non importan as emendas que o Team 56 presentaron... non é o caso... iso non é importante. O importante é seguir o plan, o plan que o Goberno Tory tiña para o futuro de Escocia dende hai moito tempo.

Yesterday, during the debate of the Scotland Bill, we saw very clearly that the intention of Westminster is to be just One Nation, acting like One Nation, having the anti-democratic power to make the Scottish Parliament disappear against the will of the people of Scotland. Never mind all the fair amendments that Team 56 presented… that’s not the case… that’s not important. The important thing is to follow the plan, the plan that the Tory Government has had for Scotland’s future for a long time ago.

Era Gordon Brown consciente disto cando decidiu traballar con Cameron contra Escocia levando a voz cantante do VOW? ... Por suposto que era consciente de todo;  el non é un novato en política, coma tampouco o son os que advertiron das consecuencias das súas accións para Labour non só en Escocia senón en Reino Unido, eles sabían exactamente que era o seguinte que ia acontecer. 

Was Gordon Brown aware of this when he decided to work together with Cameron against Scotland, as he was the main voice of the vow? …. Of course he was aware of everything;  he’s not a novice in politics, neither those that warned about the consequences of his acting for Labour not just in Scotland but in the UK were novice either... they know exactly what was going to happen next…

Dende o meu punto de vista, chego a duas conclusións. Unha:  logo do debate de onte na Cámara dos Comúns, chega a extinción do xa casi extinto Partido Laborista. Segundo: estamos mais cerca que nunca da independencia de Escocia. A independencia é a única esperanza para Escocia e para os pobos e nacións de Europa.

From my point of view, I come to two conclusions. One: After yesterday’s debate, we will see the total extinction of the already almost extinct Labour. Second: We are now closer to Scotland’s independence than ever. Independence is the only hope for Scotland and for the people and Nations of Europe. 

The National view // Editorial do The National

Proxecto de Lei de Escocia - Debate completo //
Scotland Bill - Full debate 

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