venres, 19 de xuño de 2015

Todas imos na Flotilla da Liberdade // We're all going on the Freedom Flotilla #Isail4Freedom #FF3Flotilla #Palestina #Gaza

A Flotilla da Liberdade parte hoxe cara a Gaza en misión solidaria e humanitaria para tratar de levantar o bloqueo que as autoridades de Israel manteñen sobre o pobo de Palestina.

The Freedom Flotilla departs today to Gaza in a solidarity and humanitarian mission to try and break the blockade that the Government of Israel maintains against the people of Palestine.

Nesta moi arriscada misión está implicada moitas organizacións sociais, colectivos internacionais, particulares e tamén representantes políticos. 

Esta misión pretende chamar a atención sobre os constantes incumprimentos por parte de Israel de todas as leis e códigos internacionais de dereitos civís e humanos e da desesperante situación da poboación civil de Gaza. Israel, membro da ONU e que non acata nin unha soa das decisións sobre Palestina, describe a Flotilla da Liberdades coma unha provocación.

Many different social organizations, international platforms and collectives, individual people and political representatives are committed to this ever so risky mission.

This mission is trying to attract attention to the continuous defaults from Israel of any international laws and codes of civil and human rights and the desperate situation of the civilian population of Gaza. Israel, a UN member that does not respect a single decision of the UN about Palestine, has described this mission as an unnecessary provocation.
A eurodeputada do BNG, Ana Miranda, e Vicepresidenta da European Free Alliance (a nosa Ana)  que xa participou nunha ruta có Marianne dende Bueu a Lisboa, embárcase neste último tramo, conxuntamente con outros valentes. Cinco barcos compoñen a Flotilla da Liberdade e contan xuntarse fronte as costas de Gaza at the end of June.

The BNG MEP, Ana Miranda, also Vice-President of the European Free Alliance (oor Ana), who has already participated in a maritime route aboard the Marianne from Bueu (Galiza) to Lisbon (Portugal), embarks on this last stretch, with other brave people. The Freedom Flotilla comprises of five boats and they expect to join each other off the coast of Gaza at the end of June.
Dende este blog, anímovos a estarmos pendentes desta acción, e amosar o voso apoio nas redes sociais. Seguide os hashtags: #Isail4Freedom #FlotilladaLiberdade #TodasimosnaFlotilla #FF3Flotilla e amosade o voso apoio unha vez mais ao pobo de Palestina. É de xustiza.

From this blog, I encourage all of you to be alert on this action, and show your support on the social networks. Follow the hashtags: #Isail4Freedom #FlotilladaLiberdade #TodasimosnaFlotilla #FF3Flotilla and once again, show your support to the people of Palestine. This is about justice.
Rumbo a Gaza // Going to Gaza (Spanish) Official Facebook page

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