(Very proud of my Grandfather Ricardo Fernández Carreira (Galician musician and composer) and thankful to the current Conductor Alexandre Fontan and all fantastic voices of Capela Lauda Sion )

Baixo a dirección do seu actual director, Alexandre Fontán, LAUDA SION, ofrecerá o vindeiro sábado 23 de novembro un concerto que forma parte da programación da XV edición das Xornadas de Homenaxe a Valle-Inclán. O programa presentarase dividido en dous tramos, un primeiro dedicado á música sacra tradicional da Pobra do Caramiñal en Semana Santa, e un segundo que inclúe unha selección de pezas extraídas dos cantorais do século XVIII do antigo Convento de Santo Antonio da Pobra do Caramiñal.
A cita é no Templo de Santa María A Antiga do Caramiñal da Pobra ás 21:00
Since it was founded in 1910 under the direction of Master Ricardo Fernandez Carreira, this Chorus from Pobra do Caramiñal (A Coruña - Galiza) has made a thorough and careful work of compilation of musical heritage, with a clear expertise in sacred music, as is increasing, becomes part of the chosen repertoire that plays on stage.
Under the leadership of its current director, Alexandre Fontan, Lauda Sion, is going to offer on next Saturday, November 23 a Concert that is part of the programming of the XV edition of the Days of Tribute to Valle-Inclan. The program presented divided into two sections, the first one dedicated to sacred music traditional at Easter in a Pobra , and a second that includes a selection of pieces taken from cantors of the eighteenth century of the old Convent of St. Antonio da Pobra do Caramiñal.
The appointment is in the Temple of Santa Maria A Antiga do Caramiñal at 21:00
Under the leadership of its current director, Alexandre Fontan, Lauda Sion, is going to offer on next Saturday, November 23 a Concert that is part of the programming of the XV edition of the Days of Tribute to Valle-Inclan. The program presented divided into two sections, the first one dedicated to sacred music traditional at Easter in a Pobra , and a second that includes a selection of pieces taken from cantors of the eighteenth century of the old Convent of St. Antonio da Pobra do Caramiñal.
The appointment is in the Temple of Santa Maria A Antiga do Caramiñal at 21:00
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