Por suposto que nos esperamos calquera cousa do PP e dos Tory e que é de
tod@s ben coñecido o “plan de acción común” que veñen levando en marcha dende
hai xa mais dun ano, pero algunhas noticias que chegan a nós son clara mostra
de que a estratexia do “International
Project Fear” non está logrando os obxectivos buscados, malia a súa
superioridade en control sobre os medios de comunicación e financiación.
Hai uns días víamos o cambio de paso de Cameron, aterrado polos resultados das últimas enquisas que practicamente equiparan a intención de voto SI e NON no referendo escocés do 18 de Setembro. O resultado de tal traxicómico discurso non se fixo esperar, miles de persoas dende Inglaterra, Gales ou Irlanda do Norte mandaron mensaxes de adhesión ao SI aos seus compañeiros, amigos e familiares en Escocia. O líder dos Tory está indo de derrota en derrota ata a vitoria final do YES.

Por certo, esta é a
carta íntegra do Tenerife News... por si por erro desaparece, ultimamente
pasa moito:
Dear Editor
Given the likely interest among your British resident
audiences – whether Scottish or otherwise – I am forwarding a press release
issued by the Home Office today. You can find it at
– it is also reproduced below. I hope you find it interesting.
The paper looks at the implications for borders and
citizenship if people in Scotland were to vote for independence. It explores
the challenges which an independent Scottish state could face in assuming
control of its borders and considers the difficult choices that the people in
Scotland would have to face on issues such as citizenship and nationality. It
will be a choice between the continuity and security of being part of the UK or
the uncertainty and risk of leaving it.
The press release is as follows:
“Common UK citizenship and the unrestricted movement
of people and goods between Scotland and other parts of the UK have been
crucial in enabling the integration of communities and businesses, the
government’s latest Scotland analysis paper concludes.
The Home Office paper, ‘Scotland analysis: Borders and
citizenship’, is the tenth in the UK government’s analysis series. It examines
the challenges an independent Scotland could face in taking control of its
borders, and sets out the difficult choices about citizenship that a yes vote
would mean for people in Scotland.
Minister for Immigration Mark Harper said: “The
principles addressed in this paper are fundamental to how we define ourselves:
our nationality, the border that protects us and the passport we use to travel
the world.
“There are no easy answers to the question of what
could happen if Scotland goes it alone. There would be a new international
border and – however close our coope-ration – that could mean more bureaucracy
and extra controls for people travelling to visit family, go on holiday or do
“It would also be an unprecedented experiment with
nationality and identity that would reverse centuries of common UK citizenship.
It would affect not just millions of people today but also generations to
The paper stresses that management of the UK’s
external border is complex, expensive and relies on a fully integrated system
across the UK. Currently, all activity to manage, control and secure the UK’s
border, and every penny spent, benefits each UK citizen wherever they live or
However, should Scotland vote for independence, the
current boundary between Scotland and the rest of the UK would become an
international border between two separate countries.
The analysis also considers the implications of
independence for citizenship. If Scotland became an independent state, its new
government would decide who would be able to become, or be required to become,
a Scottish citizen. This decision would have profound implications affec-ting
not only those who vote in the referendum but also their children and
Simon Montague Director of Communications British
Embassy Madrid
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