sábado, 15 de febreiro de 2014


Today we had the honour and great pleasure to receive the visit of Ian Hudghton and Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh (SNP) in Compostela

Hoxe tivemos o honor e gran placer de recibir a visita de Ian Hudghton e Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh en Compostela

They were participating in the Assembly of "European  Free Alliance" that is taking place in Santiago de Compostela.

Estaban participando na Asamblea da Alianza Libre Europea que ten lugar nesta cidade.


Tasmina kindly gave us an interview and we were able to ask her for her thoughts about the recents news on currency, Osborne, inmigrations, media bias, etc...
Tasmina moi amablemente concedeunos unha entrevista e puidemos preguntarlle pola súa opinión sobre as noticias recentes que falan da divisa, Osborne, inmigración, manipulación mediática, etc... 

And you can listen to it here:

Thank you Tasmina again for your kind attention. You were a ray of sunshine on a very wet and windy day only good for these guys.

Moitas grazas outra vez Tasmina pola túa amable atención. Fuches unha raiola de sol nun dia moi chuvioso e ventoso do que só poden sacar proveito estes...

(Próximamente publicarei a tradución en galego)

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