luns, 21 de abril de 2014

YES, YOU SCOTS CAN!! #SolidaritywithScotland #Letsdoit

Pois imos alá! Xa temos as traducións a alemán, árabe, catalán, galego, inglés, italiano, chinés, euskera, croata, letonio, holandés,... e continuan  chegando mais traducións a outros idiomas! Moitísimas grazas a tod@s pola vosa colaboración. Agora só falta que pasemos á seguinte fase e que participedes enchendo as Embaixadas británicas de mensaxes de apoio aos nosos amigos de Escocia que queren un YES para o 18 de setembro!

Och aye there! We already have translations in these different languages: German, Arabic, Catalan, Galician, Italian, English, Chinese, Basque, Croatian, Russian, Dutch.... and we are still receiving more translations in other languages. Thank you very much all of you for your contribution. Now, let's go on to the next step and let's fill the British Embassies with messages of support for our Scots friends and relatives in Scotland who want a YES on the 18th of September.

Unete a Solidarity with Scotland en facebook dándonos un "góstame"; alí podedes atopar os links có modelos de carta para as Embaixadas, buscade o voso idioma, personalizade a carta se preferides e mandádea XA! E non esquezas enviarnos unha copia.

Join "Solidarity with Scotland" by giving us a like. There you can find the links with the sample letters to send to the Embassies; look for your language, personalize the letter if you prefer and SEND IT! And don't forget to send us a copy.

Podedes tamén unirvos a @ScotlandAbroad
You can join us on twitter @ScotlandAbroad

E se tendes algunha dúbida sobre esta campaña, simplemente mándanos un email e trataremos de contestar ás túas preguntas o antes posible. 

And if you have any doubts about this campaign just email us, and we'll try to answer your questions as quick as possible

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