sábado, 15 de marzo de 2014

Spanish press: lost in translation (Galician & English)

      Os que miramos cada día os distintos xornais topamos moitas veces contradicións coma estas, nas que o que nos queda por descubrir é si Ed Miliband (Lider dos Labour) padece o "síndrome Rajoy" e non sabe se apoia,  descarta, rexeita ou promete a convocatoria dun referendo sobre a UE. Ou si o que realmente pasa é que nosos xornais teñen problemas co Google Translator, xa que todas as novas que nos chegan de Escocia proceden das axencias sitas en Londres.
      Persoalmente, e tendo en conta unhas declaración de Ed Miliband nas que amosaba á súa admiración pola Thatcher e mesmo asegurou que adoptaría as súas políticas, eu me esperaría calquera cousa del... calquera...

                Those who follow all the newspapers every day  find several times some contraditions like this, and the only thing that we need to discover is if Ed Miliband (Labour Leader) has Rajoy's syndrome and doesn't know if supports,  rules out, dimisses or promises to hold a referendum about the EU.  Or if what is really happening is that our newspapers have problems with Google Translator because all the news that we can see published in Spain came from News Agencies in London.

     Personally, and knowing about Ed Miliband's statements showing his admiration for Thatcher and even insuring that he would adopt her policies, I would expect anything from him... anything...

Labour dismisses a referendum on staying in EU

Labour dismisses a European referendum on the terms of Cameron

Labour supports a referendum ...

Miliband promises a referendum on staying in the EU


Miliband would only convene a referendum on the EU if more powers are transferred

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