Our friends in Scotland were having some problems to find Yes flags... none left and other problems with people confiscating flags at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow so we wanted to send a symbol of solidarity with them.
Os nosos amigos en Escocia estaban tendo problemas para atopar bandeiras co Yes... non quedaba nin unha e outro tipo de problemas con alguén confiscanto bandeiras nos xogos de Glasgow da Commonweath polo que quixemos enviarlles un símbolo da nosa solidariedade.
This is the previous story:
Aquí tendes a historia previa
And here is where our incredible travelling Yes flag has arrived!
E aquí é a onde a nosa incrible bandeira YES viaxeira chegou!
Thank you soooo much to Mark and friends in Ullapool. They have sent these fantastic photos! Mark wanted to do something special and he went to Belladrum festival in Beauly... but...:
Moitíiiiisimas grazas Mark e amig@s en Ullapool. Enviaronnos estas fantásticas fotos! Mark quixo tamén facer algo especial e foi ao festival de Belladrum en Beauly... pero...
I was at a music festival, and guess what? I was refused entry into the
main arena with the Yes flag! Managed to sneak it in, but the photos at
night have not turned out well. And back home this week my village has
had the worst flood for decades, horrible weather! There have been flags
ripped to shreds so I've waited a few more days until it calms. Here
are some other photos with your great flag though"
"Pois estiven no festival de música e adiviña que? Proibironme a entrada no recinto coa bandeira do YES! Arregueimas para entrar, pero as fotos de noito non sairon ben. E logo volvendo a casa esta fin de semana tivemos o peor temporal por décadas, tempo noxento! Mesmo houbo bandeiras que racharon polo que esperei un par de días ata que amainou. Aqui estan nembargantes, outras fotos coa vosa fantástica bandeiras"
And of course, we coudn't send our fantastic Yes flag travelling on its own ... soooo
E por suposto non podiamos enviar só a nosa fantástica Bandeira do SI non podía viaxar soa... polo tanto...
Thank you very much pal! You Scots are AWESOME!!! Vote YES!!
Moitisimas gracias meu! Vos, Escoceses, sodes FANTASTICOS!!! Votade SI!!
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