The neighborhood of San Pedro is one of the most important and actives in Santiago de Compostela. The organization of its anual party improves every year. This year there were different spaces for activities: Space for sound, space for Literature, space for games, Science spaces and Spaces for the citizens.
Nós non
quixemos perder a oportunidade de participarmos no Circuito de
Iniciativas Cidadás, en tempo de "Micro aberto" para explicar a Campaña
Internacional "Solidarity with Scotland". Nesta ocasión Douglas foi o
encargado de falar sobre a recollida de sinaturas para mandar unha
carta á Embaixada británica en Madrid e cómo colaborar nesta campaña. Tivemos pequenos problemas técnicos co sonido, e foi moi divertido.
We didn't want to miss the opportunity to get involved in this Space for Citizen Participation, on "Open Mic" and give information about the International Campaign "Solidarity with Scotland". This time, Douglas was the person charged to speak about the letter to the British Embassy and the petition we are conducting and also, how people can colaborate and get involved in this Campaign. We had wee technical problems with the sound, but it was fun.
We didn't want to miss the opportunity to get involved in this Space for Citizen Participation, on "Open Mic" and give information about the International Campaign "Solidarity with Scotland". This time, Douglas was the person charged to speak about the letter to the British Embassy and the petition we are conducting and also, how people can colaborate and get involved in this Campaign. We had wee technical problems with the sound, but it was fun.
Mais información:
More information:
Moreover at this Citizen space, we could also listen to other voices of Galician citizens who with courage and arguments have mobilised to protect our cultural and historic heritage; This was the case with the Platform to Defend Monterrei Castle (Pazos, Ourense)
And we could also can hear the voices from those who are defending our environment, and protecting our rivers on the Lands of Sarria (Lugo): "Mollámonos polo Rio" ("We're jumping in/getting wet for the river" or get involved for the River)


Sobre o espazo cidadá:
About the Citizen space:

We want to thank the organization of San Pedro for this fantastic opportunity and experience; and also to all of you for such a warm welcome and collaboration with this International Campaign "Solidarity with Scotland". Keep your voices and vindications up!
encantame o q estades a facer Douglas eres genial, seguide loitando que lograran o q estades buscando, un biko enorme